[Overview] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events]
- Bruce Sterling — The life and death of media
- Douglas Hofstadter — Musical Pattern versus Musical Meaning: What’s the Difference
- Sally Jane Norman — Acting and enacting: Stakes of new performing arts
- Mark Pesce — Ontos, Eros, Noos, Logos
- Geert Lovink — Organised innocence and war in the new Europe
- Daniel Langlois — The Authoring Tool Paradigm
- Arthur Kroker & Marilouise Kroker — Digital Flesh
ISEA Annual General Meeting
- Wim van der Plas, Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts — AGM
- Theo Hesper, Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts
- Anton van Gemert, Alex Adriaansens & Gepke Bouma, ISEA96 (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
- Michael Rodemer & Shawn Decker, ISEA97 (Chicago, USA)
- Axel Wirtz, John Bryne & Martin Sperka, 3 Proposals for ISEA98
- Mr. Pattanayah, Proposal for ISEA99
- Anne-Marie Duguet & Pierre Levy, Proposal for ISEA2000
- Xavier Berenguer, Proposal for ISEA2001
- Minna Tarkka, ISEA94 matters
- Monique Savoie, Nancy Tobin & Alain Mongeau, ISEA95 evaluation and aftermath
Paper and Poster Presentations:
Remark: although all papers were delivered (or simultaneously translated) in english, some of the titles, abstracts and papers are in french only.
- Roy Ascott — Wormholing in Cyburbia and other paranatural pleasures
- Ingeborg Bloem, Klaus Kempenaars, Andrea Wollensak, Ming Tung & Gabrielle Götz — Visual boundaries?
- Mara Helmuth & Aladin Ibrahim — Granular Synthesis and The FCurve Sound Generator
- Peter Beyls — The Exploration of Musical Space by Way of Genetic Algorithms
- Veronique Bourgoin & Marc Roelens — Nouvelles perspectives pour l’image de synthese
- Paul Brenner — The File Room
- Isabelle Chemin — Perception: Fast Forward
- Anita Cheng & Ronaldo Kiel — The future of art on the internet
- Christopher Csikszentmihályi — An embodied body of work
- Kitsou Dubois — Une danseuse en apesanteur
- Tessa Elliott & Jonathan Jones-Morris — Interaction Arising From Installations
- Brian Evans — Implicate Beauty: Multimedia Art on the World Wide Web
- Rob Fisher — Work-in-Progress: Interactive Art/ Science Planetarium Event on Cell Biology
- Peter Gena & Charles Strom — Musical synthesis: DNA sequences
- Nicholas Gebhardt — The sound tracking of the times
- Elizabeth Goldring — Imaging directly on the retina (A Progress Report)
- Ian Haig — The Computer Graphics Crisis
- Graham Harwood — Overall concept for the construction of a rehearsal of memory
- Nigel Helyer — Hybrid
- Michael Hill — The way is not difficult, but you must avoid choosing
- Barbara Hoffman — Art in Cyberspace: The Legal Dimension
- Christian Hübler — Co-realities: Interaction with Bodies of Hybrid Information
- Jake — World utopian process (W.U.P.)
- Eduardo Kac — Photonic Webs in Space Time: The Aesthetics of Holography
- Jean Paul Longavesne — Machines a peindre et informatique picturale
- Ahasiw Maskegon-Iskwew — Nehiyawewin and virtual reality
- George Mühleck — Datagraphy and Architecture
- Axel Mulder — The icube system
- Keith Piper — The dis-orderly city
- Jean-Marc Philippe — La relation art/alliage a memoire de formes: 10 ans de parcours. $1500000 en recherche et developpement: un nouvel imaginaire artistique
- Joel Slayton — Large scale experimental media and performance
- Lisa Steele — V tape: How New Technologies can Influence Education Within Media Arts
- Jean-Pierre Dalbera — La Politique du Ministere Francais de la Culture en Faveur de la Creation Artistique et du Developpement de Nouveaux Services Destines aux Autoroutes de L’information
- McKenzie Wark — The virtual sensoria: Notes of the new media art
- Jeffrey Ventrella — Disney Meets Darwin
- Mike Leggett — CD ROM: The 21st Century Greek Bronze?
- Christophe Ramstein — Les Interfaces Multimodales avec Retour de Force
- Heidi Grundmann & Gerfried Stocker — Horizontal Radio: a telematic radio network project
- Todor Todoroff — Instrument de Synthese Granulaire Dans MAX/FTS
- David Clark Little — Composing with Chaos: Applications of a New Science for Music
- Agustin Fernandez — State-of-the-Art Rusticity: A Composer’s View
- Victoria Vesna — Installation “Virtual Concrete”
- Lanny Webb — Illusions of Reality
Recombinant Culture
- Arthur Kroker & Marilouise Kroker — Panel Intro
- Lynn Hershman — Gender Confusion and other forms of Cyber Cheating
- Stelarc — Panel Statement
- Lev Manovich — Physical Space and Virtual Space in Electronic Culture
- David Rothenberg — Imperialism and the Sampling of World Sound
- Alain Renaud — De “I’Oeil de Chair” à I’Anoptique
Gender and Technology: What Problem?
- Carol Gigliotti — Panel Intro
- Brenda Laurel — Panel Statement
- Roy Ascott — Artificial Gender, Natural Technology, and Emergent Mind
- Mary Leigh Morbey — Gender and Technology: The epistemological problem
- Nancy Paterson — Cyberfeminism
- Timothy Binkley — Sex and Space
- Greg Garvey — Panel Statement
- Peter Lunenfeld — Are We Having Fun Yet?
- Victoria Vesna — Computers and the Intuitive Edge
Narratives, Interactivity and Metaphors
- Martin Rieser — Panel Intro
- Martin Rieser — Interactive narrative: A form of fiction?
- Martin Rieser – Multi-linear Narrative Structures in Multimedia
- Ted Krueger — Interactivity and control
- Andrea Zapp — The metaphor of touch
- Michael Hill — Whatever Happens Next Is Progress
- Judith Kerman — Literary hypertext
- George Legrady — Interface metaphors & new narratives in interactive media
- Toni Dove — Artificial Changelings
- Andrea Wollensak — The Metaphor of Touch-Identification, Personality and Contact Within the Screen
Three-space, Time-base, In-yer-face Art: The Aesthetics of Real Space Interactives
- Simon Penny — Panel Intro
- Doug Back — Critical friction: in your face, real space
- Hal Thwaites — Three-dimensional media technologies and the Electronic Arts
- Christopher Csikszentmihalyi — Panel Statement
- Bill Vorn & Louis Philippe Demers — Machism/Machinism
- Eduardo Kac — Telepresence Art: The Ornitorrinco Project
- James Hagan — Panel Statement
- Ed Bennet — Bio
- Theodore Krueger — Panel Statement
- Norman White — Virtuality without Graphics
Sounding Out Genders: Women Sound Artists Talk about Gender and Technology
- Andra McCartney — Come Out and Play! Why Are Gender and Feminist Studies So Late To Come to Music? (Panel Intro)
- Andra McCartney — Sounding out genders (Panel Statement)
- Kathy Kennedy — Geography of the voice
- Wende Bartley — Panel Statement
- Susan Frykberg — Panel Statement
- Hildegard Westerkamp — Panel Statement
Body Matters
- Sara Diamond & Mary Anne Moser — Panel Intro
- Cameron Bailey — Virtual skin: Articulating race in cyberspace
- Char Davies — Embodied in VR: The Body as Experimental Ground
- Elizabeth Diller — Panel Statement
Emerging Architectures
- Roy Ascott — Panel Intro
- Roy Ascott — Sensuous City
- Marcos Novak — Transmitting architecture: The transphysical city
- Debra Gondeck-Becker & Julio Bermudez — Emerging architectures in the virtual scape
- Jeffrey Hannigan — Between Image and Icon: The Real and Virtual City
Sound in Space – Seismic Moments
- Nigel Helyer — Panel Intro
- Nigel Helyer — Sound, architecture and catastrophe
- Nicholas Gebhardt — Hearing Inside the Frame: The Mechanics of PictorialismThe sound tracking of the times
- Virginia Madsen — A seismic moment: sound as weapon, from Jericho to Waco
- John Potts — A Sampled World
Emerging Art Practices
- Annette Weintraub — Panel Intro
- Annette Weintraub — Resolving the 2d dilemma: repurposing your 2d art
- Simo Alitalo — The Changes in Public/Private Sphere and Presentation of Electronic Media Arts
- Tom Sherman — The ‘Finished’ work of art is a thing of the past
- Tapio Makela — Techno Formalism: Excessive Surfaces, Abstracted Identities
- Florent Aziosmanoff
Artificial Life: Challenges and Possibilities
- Jon McCormack — Panel Intro
- Louis Bec — De I’animat a I’infiltrat
- Louis-Philippe Demers & Bill Vorn — Real Artificial Worlds: The Perversion of Perception
- Mike King — Artificial consciousness, artificial art
- John D. Mitchell & Robb E. Lovell — EIDEA: An emergent interactive installation
- Jeffrey Ventrella — Eukaryotic Virtual Reality
Artistic Identity on the Net
- Michael Century — Panel Intro
- Jeffrey Schulz — Touch and go
- John Byrne — Cybersublime: The Aesthetization of Digital Politics
- Antya Umstätter — Ping
- Josephine Grieve
Body Narratives
- Margaret Morse — Panel Intro
- Margaret Morse — Dummies, dolls and robotic simpletons interpreting artificial stupidity
- Thecla Schiphorst — Immerce Cunningham multimedia prototype
- Kitsou Dubois — Danse et apesanteur
- Sally Jane Norman — Immersion and theater
- Sang Mah & Thecla Schiphorst — Body Maps: The Virtual Body Project
- Christine Ross — Corps et sens en performance videographique
Centers and Institutes for Art and Technology
- Luc Courchesne — Panel Intro
- Otto Piene — CAVS/MIT 1968-94
- Pierre Bongiovanni — Bio
- Itsuo Sakane — Bio
- Sara Diamond — Crossing Boundaries: The Banff Center for the Arts and Interdisciplinary New-Media
- Astrid Sommer
Digital Tools: Creative Development and Developing Creativity
- Kharim Hogan — Panel Intro
- Kharim Hogan — The means to the end implies the creation of the necessary tools and materials
- Chea Prince — Panel Statement
- Henry See — Panel Statement
- Daniel Langlois — Bio
- Eric McLuhan — Bio
- François Girard
Sharing Subjectivities: Exploring new concepts of interface design
- Frances Dyson — Panel Intro
- Frances Dyson — Panel Statement
- Isabelle Delmotte — Epileptograph: the internal journey
- Heidi Tikka — The surface of a hysterical body as an interface
- Elizabeth Goldring — Imaging directly on the retina
- Diana Gromala — The Instrumentality of Pain in Virtual Reality
Computers and Sculpture in the USA & France
- Christian Lavigne, Rob Fisher & Timothy Duffield — Computers and Sculpture Panel Intro
- Christian Lavigne — Ordinateurs et sculpture aux Etats-Unis et en France
- Rob Fisher & Timothy Duffield — Computers and Sculpture in the USA and France
Cosmic Creativity
- Pierre Lévy — Panel Intro
- Pierre Levy — L’intelligence collective et son objet
- Martin Sperka — Reality, representations and cybergraphy
- Louis Bec — Art as probe
- Christopher Dobrian — Algorithmic Generation of Temporal Forms
- Peter Gena & Charles Strom — Musical synthesis of DNA sequences
- Douglas Hofstadter
- Peter Beyls
The Ideology of Interactivity: Freedom, Choice, Creativity
- Kim Sawchuk & Catherine Richards — Panel Intro
- Catherine Richards & Kim Sawchuk — Ideologies of interactivity
- Kim Sawchuk — Critical frictions, connective affinities
- m Sawchuk — Power Play: Surveillance and Interactivity
- Laura Trippi — Degrees of freedom
- Brian Massumi — Interface and active space
- Doug Back — The babbage disease
Round Table Discussion
Electronic Art and Audience
(Round Table with Curators, Critics, and Observers)
- Derrick de Kerckhove — Panel Intro
- Derrick de Kerckhove — Re-emergence des sens
- Derrick de Kerckhove — Panel Statement
- Diana Dominguez — De la fenêtre au labyrinthe: les technologies, le corps et le plaisir des relations
- Herve Fischer — Les nouvelles technologies et le retour au “primitivisme” de l’art
- Virginia Rutledge — Bio
- Anne-Marie Duguet — Bio
- Maria Grazia Mattei — Bio
- Roger Ricco — Bio
- Yves Louchez — L’état de la création infographique vue à partir de l’expérience d’IMAGINA
Thematic Meetings:
Conversion between Culture and Technology: the Role of Government
- Pierre Levy (France)
- Paul Hoffert (Canada)
- Jean Talbot (Canada)
- Gerri Sinclair (Canada)
- Guy Bertrand (Canada)
Changing Configurations: Image, Art and Technology
- Timothy Druckery (USA)
- Carol Dallaire (Canada)
- Hubertus von Amelunxen (Germany)
- Alain Renaud (France)
What Happened to the Pioneers?
- Monique Brunet-Weinmann (Canada)
- Dina Dar (USA)
- Marisa Gonzalez (Spain)
- Sarah Jackson (USA)
- Doreen Lindsay (Canada)
- Joan Lyons (USA)
- Sonia Landy Sheridan (USA)
- Nell Tenhaaf (Canada)
- M. Abdenour Amal (France)
- Barbara Astman (USA)
- Lieve Prins (Netherlands)
- Jacques Charbonneau
Institutional Presentations:
- Nils & Florent Aziosmanoff — ART 3000
- Bernard Levy — La Revue VIE DES ARTS
- Guy Durand — La Revue INTER-Art Actuel
- Lamberto Tassinari — VISA VERSA, The Magazine for the Triangle Montreal-Toronto-New York
- Rejane Spitz — Dirty Hands on the Keyboard: A Revolutionary Lab
- Stephane Le Bouyonnec — Le Groupe Conseil Innovitech
- Justine Bizzocchi — Centre for image and sound research
- Unknown — Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie
- Bulat Galeyev — Institute ‘Prometheus’ (1962-1995)
- Cynthia Pannucci — Art and Science Collaborations: A Magnet for New and Pioneering Work
- Michael Rodemer — The School of the Art Institute of Chicago