Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving

For all abstracts of the presentations and bios of the presenters go to:

For the full papers go to the Provisional Proceedings:



Presenter names marked with an * present from remote

May 19, 2023 [Day1- Afternoon]      

 14:00   – Opening –                                      Chairs: Terry Wong/ Wim van der Plas (ISEA Archives)

  • Welcome by Klio Krajewska (ISEA2023)
  • Introduction by Oliver Grau (Media Art Histories)

14: 10   – Invited Talk –                                                     

  • Franck Ancel — Jacques Polieri’s archive at the National Library of France : from scenography to zerography or an art of memory

14:25   – Artists & Archives 1 –                                      Chair: Violeta Vojvodic Balaz (Memoduct)

15:45   – Break –

 16:00   – Archive Presentations 1 –                                                          Chair: Margit Rosen (ZKM)

  • Bonnie Mitchell & Janice Searleman* — ACM SIGGRAPH History Archive Comes Alive: 50 Years of Innovation, Creativity and Ground-Breaking Achievements
  • Terry Wong, Wim van der Plas, Bonnie Mitchell & Janice Searleman — ISEA Symposium Archives: Recent Developments

16: 15   – Opening New Media Art Archives To The World –       Chair: Felix Mittelberger (ZKM)

  • JoseCarlos Mariategui — Strategies and Conditions of Video Art Collections in Latin America
    Delma Rodriguez Morales — Leaving our comfort zone. A proposal to co-create appropriation in Media Art Archives for their sustainable future
  • Juergen Hagler, Wolfgang Hochleitner**, Patrick Proier** & Christoph Schaufler** — Looking Back on 10 Years of Expanded Animation Symposium: Organizing, Documenting and Archiving Together with Students
  • Madeline Smith, David Cirella**, Ethan Gates** & Claire Fox** — Preserving a Hardware-Dependent Digital Artwork: Investigating Disk Imaging and Emulation Strategies
  • Amanda Long*— Copy-It-Right. The Distribution Religion: The Media Archaeology of the Sandin Image Processor

17:55   – Closing of Day 1 –

 May 20, 2023 [Day2- Morning]

09: 00   Panel 1 –                                                                    Chair: Carl Philipp Hoffmann (ADA)

  • Alexandra Dementieva, Anna Frants, Janine Randerson* & Natalia Kolodzei* (moderator) — Art Data: New Frontiers in Curating, Preserving, Displaying and Connecting Digital Based Arts

09:.30   – Artists & Archives 2 –                                                  Chair: Carl Philipp Hoffmann (ADA)

  • Alexandre Michaan & Philippe Bettinelli — When interactive artworks act as archives: migrating and documenting Immemory by Chris Marker

09.50    – Archive Presentations 2 –                                                        Chair: Fabiana Krepel (FILE)

  • Arie Altena — Activating Archival Research at V2_
  • Andrew Gryf Paterson — Auto-archiving 20 years of Pixelache Helsinki
  • Aleš Vaupotič, Eszter Polonyi, Narvika Bovcon & Jaka Železnikar — Sustainable digital preservation of the new media art

10: 10    – XR & Metaverse –           Chair: Juergen Hagler (U. of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)

  • Ze Gao*, Zheng Wang & Xingxing Yang — Immersive Possibilities: Archiving Sound Art of Live Performance in the Context of the Metaverse
  • Zeynep Abes* — The VR Archive Project
  • Zheng Wang & Ze Gao* — An Immersive Multi-Screen VR System for Museum Archive Browsing in the Age of Metaverse

1 1:00    – Break –

  1 1: 15    – Opening New Media Art Archives To The World 2 – Chair: Paula Perissinotto (FILE)

  • Andrea Tešanović* — Cyberfeminism Index: Noah’s Archive of Cyberfeminist Art and Culture
  • Víctor Fancelli Capdevila — Digital strategies as our common challenge: The work of Open Resource Center and AuDA

1 1:45     Archive Presentations 3 –     Chair: Alejandra Crescentino (Autonomous U.of Madrid)

  • Laura Baigorri* & Diego Marchante* — Connected archives. New archive interfaces from queer and open-source strategies
  • Vanina Yael Hofman & Valentina Montero* — PAM (Plataforma Arte y Medios) – Archiving and Disseminating Media Arts from Latin America
  • Hiroko Kimura-Myokam* — Toshio Iwai Archive and Research
  • Natalia Fuchs* — Artypical archive. Art, Science and Technology in post-Soviet Perspective [xxld]

12: 15    – Lunch Break –

May 20, 2023 [Day2- Afternoon]

14:00   – Archive Presentations 4 –                Chair: Bonnie Mitchell (ISEA & SIGGRAPH archives)

  • Christina Radner — Ars Electronica Archive: current developments and plans
  • Margit Rosen, Felix Mittelberger, Morgan Stricot, Christian Haardt, Hartmut Joerg, Matthieu Vlaminck & Dorcas Müller — The ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe Archives
  • Fabiana Krepel & Paula Perissinotto — FILE Archive

14:25   – Connecting Archives –                              Chair: Byeongwon Ha (U. of South Carolina)

  • Terry Wong — Global Archive Network: The 2nd Summit Case Study Report
  • Paula Perissinotto & Dalton Martins** — Interoperability among the digital repository Tainacan and the information networks Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons: A case study of FILE ARCHIVE
  • Myrto Aristidou, Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Kleanthis Neokleous & Kyriaki Yiakoupi — The Emerging CYENS ArtTech Archive: Affordances and Opportunities of an R&I Institution as an Arts & Technology Stakeholder
  • Erika Fülöp & Dene Grigar* — Piloting Shared Born-Digital Archives between the US and Europe

15:45   Break –

  16:00   – Artists & Archives 3 –                                                    Chair: Carla Milena Zamora (ADA)

  • Andrea Sick, Irena Kukric & Marcela Antipán OlateImaginaries in Becoming: The Dynamic Archive
  • Cyrus Khalatbari — Method for Design Materialization (MDM) for artists, educators and archivists: an introduction

16:35   – Panels 2 –                                                             Chair: Oliver Grau (Media Art Histories)

  • Carl Philipp Hoffmann, Paula Perissinotto, Terry Wong, Bonnie Mitchell & Oliver Grau (moderator) — Bridging Knowledge: Connecting New Media Art Archives
  • Violeta Vojvodic Balaz, Wim van der Plas, Terry Wong, Bonnie Mitchell, Janice Searleman*, Byeongwon Ha & Oliver Grau (moderator) — Summit on New Media Art Archiving: Strategic Planning for the Future

 17:45   – Closing Remarks –      

The 3rd SNMAA is being organised by the archivists of ISEA in co-operation with archivists of SIGGRAPH, Ars Electronica, ADA, ZKM, FILE, Media Art History & Memoduct Posthuman archive. The Summit is supported by ISEA2023, ISEA International, the SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community and the Creative Industries Fund NL.

Inquiries: isea.symposium.archives[at]

ISEA2023- Summit Partners:

SIGGRAPH History Archive Connection Icon Ars Electronica Archive Connection Icon
SIGGRAPH DAC Connection Logo
ISEA2023 Logo Creative Industries Fund NL Logo MemoDuct_Logo


Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving
ISEA2023 Paris –France
May 16-21, 2023

Call for Papers

[Submission deadline has closed]

The ISEA Symposium Archives are organising the Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving in partnership with ISEA2023, ISEA International, the Archive of Digital Art (ADA), the archive for the Histories of Media Art, the Ars Electronica archive, the ZKM archives, the SIGGRAPH History Archive, the SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community, the Electronic Language International Festival (FILE) archives, and the MEMODUCT posthuman archive. The Summit will be held during ISEA2023, the 28th International Symposium on Electronic Art.


After the massive support for the Liverpool declaration  the initiative started with ISEA round table discussions on new media archiving at ISEA2018 in Durban, South Africa and ISEA2019 in Gwangju, South Korea. The 1-day First Summit on New Media Art Archiving was held during ISEA2020, (online from Montreal, Canada) featuring a keynote lecture, paper presentations, and break-out sessions. This Second Summit on New Media Art Archiving was held during 2 days preceding ISEA2022 in Barcelona, Spain. Subjects included, among others, archiving physical artifacts, digitizing museum collections, and innovative approaches to archiving, as well as an emphasis on connecting new media art archives worldwide.

The Topics of the Summit

The 3rd Summit has 3 themes: Symbiosis, Sustainability & Progress. These themes are operationalised by inviting paper and panel proposals on the following topics (that will be explained in more detail further down):

  1. Building on the results of Summit 1 & 2
  2. Making the Summit a sustainable event
  3. Ideas and proposals to help the Connecting Archives project
  4. New Media Art Archive presentations

Topic 1. Building on the results of Summit 1 & 2

The contents of the first two Summits can be found in the ISEA archives*). As can be learned, a wide variety of relevant subjects was covered. Proposals are welcome that explicitly build upon the work presented in the first two summits. The papers (and/or panels) that your submission builds upon must be specified in the intro of your proposal.

Some Topics from the 1st and 2nd Summit:

  • Museums and the integration of Digital Arts
  • Communication and Coordination among Archivists
  • Cooperation among Museums and New Media Art Archives
  • Developing and Maintaining Physical Archives
  • New Directions in Online Archiving
  • New Technologies for Archiving (AI, VR/AR, Graph databases, other)
  • Individual Artists & Archiving
  • Ethics in Archiving

*) Proceedings 1st Summit   Proceedings 2nd Summit   Abstracts 1st & 2nd Summit

Topic 2. Making the Summit a sustainable event

So far, the Summits have been an initiative of the ISEA archivists, who are all volunteers. They have worked without financial means and at the cost of their regular archiving work. How can we give the Summit a more structural basis? What stakeholders would be willing to invest in it? How do we convince these stakeholders to do so? In short we ask for analysis and strategy proposals.

Topic 3. Ideas and proposals to help the Connecting Archives project

As a result of the first Summit, an initiative was started to connect New Media Art archives around the World. The rationale, aims and history of the project was described in 2 papers, presented during the Second Summit*). Paper and panel proposals are invited that will bring the project a step forward.

*) Bonnie Mitchell et al — “Connecting new media art archives worldwide” (
Bonnie L. Mitchell, Alexa Mahajan, Luis Wilson, Oliver Grau — Interconnecting Archives: Paving a Path Forward (

Topic 4. New Media Art Archive presentations

New Media Art Archives are invited to present their work at the Summit. Unlike the other proposals, these will not be double blind reviewed by the IPC, but only checked for relevance (is the archive relevant for New Media Art?). The Archive Presentations are the Summit equivalent of the ISEA symposium Institutional Presentations. They will be short (5 min.) and presenters are not eligible for fee waiving.

The Structure of the Summit

  • Short and Long Papers
  • Panels
  • Archive presentations

International Programme Committee

  • Violeta Vojvodic Balaz (MEMODUCT posthuman.archive)
  • Alejandra Crescentino (Autonomous University of Madrid)
  • Oliver Grau (ADA & Media Art Histories)
  • Juergen Hagler (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria)
  • Carl Philipp Hoffmann (Danube University/ADA)
  • Fabiana Krepel (FILE)
  • Bonnie Mitchell (ISEA & SIGGRAPH archives)
  • Felix Mittelberger (ZKM collection & archive)
  • Paula Perissinotto (FILE)
  • Wim van der Plas (ISEA archives)
  • Christina Radner (Ars Electronica archive)
  • Margit Rosen (ZKM collection & archive)
  • Janice Searleman (ISEA & SIGGRAPH archives)
  • Terry Wong (SFU/ISEA archives)

 How to Submit

Submit your Proposal before January 16, 2023, midnight CET. The submission opened on December 1 via Easychair.

Submit here:

The proposal will be anonymised and forwarded to at least 2 members of the IPC. You will be informed of the result of the IPC’s assessment in the first half of March 2023. If your proposal is accepted we will send you instructions for the final formatting of the proposal so that it can be included in the ISEA2023 Proceedings.

  • Short Papers (10 minute presentation), 2-3 pages
  • Full Papers (20 minute presentation), 4-6 pages
  • Archive presentations (5 minutes), 1 page
  • Panel proposals (30 minute session), 1 page panel statement plus 1 page with short bios of the Panellists


-Formatting requirements for (the final version of) your proposal can already be found here: PAPER TEMPLATE and PERMISSION FORMS (or PDF version)
-For the paper and panel proposals you have to indicate what Topic (of the 4 mentioned above) you are addressing.
-For Topic 1 you need to include the full titles of the Summit 1 and/or 2 presentations that you are elaborating on.
-Include a short bio and your current location.

Inquiries: isea.symposium.archives[at]

Please note that all materials entered to the ISEA symposium and/or the Summit on New Media Art Archiving can be used for promotion of these events and for including them in the online ISEA  Symposium Archives.

ISEA2023- Summit Partners:

SIGGRAPH History Archive Connection Icon Ars Electronica Archive Connection Icon
SIGGRAPH Connection Logo
ISEA2023 Logo SIGGRAPH DAC Connection Logo MemoDuct_Logo