Full Paper. Session: Educations and Societies / Practice-based research STEAM and Media art
Keywords: STEAM Education, Inter/Multi/Transdisciplinarity, Art/Science, Culture Creation, Workshops
Hybrid Lab Network (HYBRID) is an exploratory project to promote innovation and good practices for Higher Education, bridging areas of Art, Science, Technology/Engineering and Humanities, and fostering knowledge sharing and training.
HYBRID aims to upgrade the work carried out by the individual partners – two excellent Higher Education Institutions (Slovenia e Finland), a world-class Research Institute (Portugal), and an outstanding Foundation (Netherlands) -, giving it a strong EU dimension, promoting reflection processes and real action over what should be Higher Education for the future: innovation, autonomy, curricular flexibility, and collaborative and sustainable approaches. HYBRID is implementing a multidisciplinary approach to improve STEAM training, particularly in bio-sciences, including the development of didactic tools and resources to promote critical and creative thinking and innovation. Through an intertwined structure of Workshops and Intellectual Products this Erasmus+ experimental project has been achieving some knowledge on how to educate transnationally and cooperatively. Due to this relatively small sample size implications of this study might not be generalizable to a larger context, however, they can provide further insight about the practice of developing and using these intertwined models and the support needed to achieve critical thinking and meaningful experiences by participants
- Maria Manuela Lopes is a visual artist whose practice is transdisciplinary, investigating relations of memory and identity informed by the biological sciences and medical research; her work appears in a varied format within the visual arts resulting in multimedia installations, drawings and performances. She studied sculpture at FBA-UP and MA at Goldsmiths College in London. She has a Doctorate in Fine Arts and New Media at the University of Brighton and UCA-Farnham in the UK. She did a Postdoc Art Research Project at the University of Aveiro and Porto – i3S Institute of Research and Innovation in Health. She is a researcher at i3S as co-responsible for the Cultural Outreach Art/Science interface. Maria Manuela Lopesis Visual Arts Adjunct Professor at ESE – Institute Politech of Porto IPP (Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal). Lopes has curated several international exhibitions and her work has been shown nationally and internationally. She is also co-founder and Deputy Director of Portuguese artistic residency programs: Ectopia – Laboratory of Artistic Experimentation and Cultivamos Cultura.
- Júlio Borlido-Santos is Head of i3S’s ComUnit. Biologist and science communicator. He led IBMC.INEB Office for Science Communication, worked as life sciences researcher, schoolteacher and demonstrator at UPorto. He organizes, promotes and teaches advanced training for scientists and other audiences on “Science, Ethics and Society”; he is a member of several national and international Science with Society projects, namely some on RRI. He is a member of the General Council of Carolina Michaëlis School cluster; vice-president of i3S Council Ethics and Responsible Research; member of the Communication Council of UPorto; Board of auditors of “Viver a Ciência” Association; former vice-President of Scicom.pt network, and a member of other advisory boards.
- Maria Rui Vilar-Correia Biologist, PhD in Didactics/Teachers Training Higher Education. Was Assistant Professor in Didactics of Biology Teaching at the Faculty of Sciences of the UPorto, Portugal (1981-2003). She has a vast experience in teachers training, in producing learning materials and activities for university and secondary students, as well as in qualitative methodologies and studies. She is/was a member of science in society projects. Currently, she is a collaborator at i3S as co-responsible for the Cultural Outreach Art/Science interface of the Institution; and member of Accreditation Commission at the “Escola Superior de Artes e Design – Matosinhos” and responsible for the quality evaluation of the Art and Design Courses of ESAD.
- Anabela Nunes earned a degree in Journalism and Communication Sciences – specialization in Multimedia Communication, from the University of Porto, Portugal, and a post-graduation on Multimedia Communication from Aveiro University. She collaborated in a project financed by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and coordinated by Teresa Summavielle, which aimed to inform about and explain the effects of drug abuse in the brain. Nunes worked at IBMC.INEBs Office for Science Communication since 2010, focusing her energy mainly on web design, multimedia content production, graphic design and web content management. Since 2015 she works in the i3S Communication Unit.
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