Keywords: Cultural Identity, Ancestral Culture, Technology for Peace, ManMachine Interaction, Interdisciplinary, Museography, Astronomical Observatory, Interaction Design, User-Centered Design
This work develops an applied research that engages methodologies from the Interaction design field (IxD) and user-center design (UCD) methods for building an interactive installation in the astronomical observatory and museum, Kosmos, located in Villa de Leyva, Colombia. Taking as a starting point the construction of an artifact that could efficiently adapt itself to the environment of Kosmos Museum and its surroundings. We construct an artifact that motivates the user to interact with it, promotes cultural identity dialogues and usage of technology on first hand.
The result is the construction of an interacting intervention as the enhancer of dialogues and guidance about a prehispanic megalithic monument, transcendental for the creation of mental imaginaries about the Colombian ancestral cultures. The design concept manages to express itself in an artifact consistent with digital and analogous elements which act as an information processing container by which the museum guides and the visitors can generate dialogue around this chosen topic. Being a source of an attractive and active experience around the topic of the ancestral astronomical observatory built by the Muisca pre-Hispanic culture, 2200 year ago. User to interact with it, promotes cultural identity dialogues and usage of technology on first hand
The purpose of all the work was to develop a multimedia system, which would allow the implementation of interactive exhibition procedures for the communication, explanation and dissemination of elements related to the Museum and astronomical observatory Kosmos. We applied methodologies Known as User-Centered Design and Design Thinking, in order to create an own
methodology that would be adapted to the project. Its main objective was to highlight the most typical aspects of the context, highlighting the ancestral cultural identity of the region, to explore the environmental and social factors and to work on an artisanal, analogue and mechanical-technology point of view. This methodology was divided in 8 phases for its execution, which focused on: Customer and environment recognition, user definition, requirements definition and analysis, system design and ideation, prototyping and testing system and finally the implementation process.
- Clara Isabel Pantoja Muñoz, Carlos H. Sánchez Benavides, Carolina Ledesma & Andrés Felipe Gallego Aguilar, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Santiago de Cali, Colombia
Full text (PDF) p. 39-46