[ISEA2017] Panel: Ricardo Dal Farra — Was part of the media arts history swept under the carpet? (Latin America’s lost ark)

Panel Statement

Panel: Archiving Digital Heritage

Keywords: Latin America, Archiving, Electronic Art Preservation, Electroacoustic Music History, Cultural Decentralization

Who tells history? We can find multiple versions of electronic art history, most of them with subtle differences, but it has been unusual -until recently- to find references pointing to countries out of a small group from Europe and North America. Several projects have been developed to change that situation. The Latin American Electro-acoustic Music Collection, hosted by The Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology, represents an example of the relevant role that the archiving of electronic artworks and public access to them could have in forming another perspective about (electronic arts) history.

  • Dr. Ricardo Dal Farra (Argentina/Canada) is a composer, new media artist, curator, educator, and historian whose work has been focusing on new music and the electronic arts for several decades. He is a professor at Concordia University, Canada and director of the CEIArtE-UNTREF Electronic Arts Research Centre, Argentina. His music and media artworks have been presented in about 40 countries. Dal Farra is the founder-director of the Balance-Unbalance (electronic arts & the environmental crisis) and Understanding Visual Music conference series and has been a researcher for UNESCO in France, De Montfort University in the UK, Amauta in Peru and the National Ministry of Education in Argentina. He was director of Hexagram, the inter-university international network for research-creation in media arts, design, technology and digital culture, and coordinator of DOCAM, the Documentation and Conservation of the Media Arts Heritage research alliance. Dr. Dal Farra created the Latin American Electroacoustic Music Collection hosted by The Daniel Langlois Foundation.

Full text (PDF) p. 747-750