Introductory Statement
An introduction to the city of Groningen, the Kapteyn Institute of the University of Groningen, the Academy Minerva and SCAN, the National Institute for Computer Animation, main organiser of SISEA.
Since it was unsure whether the SISEA could afford to bring Shostak over from the USA, he made a presentation on video. Actually, he made it over and served as SISEA’s ‘anchor man’ and moderator.
Video: Shostak SISEA Intro [to be added]
- Dr. Seth Shostak is astronomer and film maker. During his research at the University of Groningen, he founded Digima, one of the first computer animation studios in the Netherlands. Digima now shares premises and fcacilities with SCAN (the National Institute for Computer Animation, main organiser of SISEA) and cooperate where possible. Recently Shostak moved back to the USA to work for the SETI institute.