[Overview] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events]
- Sherry Turkle — Life on the Screen
- Laurie Anderson — Keynote
- Nolan Bowie — The Revolution will not be Televised …That is, Unless the Community of Electronic Artists Tell the Stories
- Guillermo Gomez-Pena — Mexican Cyborgs and Artificial Savages
Other Plenary Sessions
- ISEA Plenary (Annual General Meeting)
Paper Presentations
Aesthetics of Electro-acoustic and Digital Media
- Ricardo Dal Farra — Music, New Media and Latin America
- Sophea Lerner — Resonating the Fragmented Body: Sound Design for New Media
- Ron Pellegrino — What Is Performance Multimedia? And Why is it Impossible To Record Performance Multimedia?
- Gerhard Eckel — Exploring Musical Space through Virtual Architecture
- Martin Rieser — Interactivity, Public Art and Architecture
- Peter Anders — Cybrids: Integrating Cognitive and Physical Space in Architecture
- Gillian Hunt — Intelligent Architecture: Cybernetic Theory and Architecture
- Ted Krueger — Architecture of Symbiosis
Artificial Consciousness and the Self
- Carol Gigliotti — The Diverse Meanings of Artificial Life
- Roy Ascott — Emergent Mind: Art in the Technoetic Dimension
- Bill Seaman — Re-embodied Intelligence
- Debra Gondeck-Becker & Julio Bermudez — CyberPrint, Toward an Architecture of Being
Beyond Shelter: The Future of Architecture
- Rich Gold —The Architecture of Living Documents
- Greg Lynn — FORM
- Char Davies — Osmose
- Janet Abrams (moderator) — bio
Composition and Generative Creation
- Hans Dehlinger & Qi Dongxu — Art Experiments and Mathematical Explorations and the Universe of Machine-generated Drawings
- David Rosenboom — Propositional Music: Imponderbale Forms, Self-Organization and Compositional Methods. On Emergent Properties in Morphogenesis and the Evolution of Music
- Insook Choi — On Composing a Medium
- Peter Beyls — Principles of Bilogical Evolution and Social Computing in the Arts
- Robin Bargar — A Sound Authoring Architecture for Virtual Environments and Interactive Applications
Digital Geography
- Giselle Beiguelman — Post-Urban Cities
- Andrea Wollensak — New Carthographies and Virtual Environments with GPS
- Peter Ride — Metropolis: Digital Cities of the Imagination
- Karen O’Rourke — The Paris Reseau Project
Electronic Communication/Collaboration
- Brian Bradley, Glorianna Davenport, Joe Paradiso & Stefan Agamanolis — The Edge of Dream World: Media Encounters in Architectural Venues
- Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau — Art at Science: The New Collaboration
- Robert Nideffer — SPEED: Technology, Media, Society
Electronic Sexuality: The Wild Side
- Junko Suzuki — Girls as Avatar
- Micz Flor & Florian Clausz — Cyber Tatoo and The Aesthetic Prothesis
- Elena Gorfinkel & Eric Zimmerman — Technologies of Undressing: The Digital Paper Dolls of KISS
History and Theory of the Art and Technology Interface
- Michael Punt — What if? Another History of Digital Media of Designers and Artists
- Olga Kisseleva — Cyberart and the New Territories of Art
- Edward Shanken — Content and Context: Art and Technology in the U.S., 1966 -1970
- Yvonne Spielmann — History and Theory of Intermedia in Visual Culture
Interactive and Intermedia Software System Design
- Todor Todoroff & Caroline Traube — NeXTSTEP: Graphical Interface to Control Spatialization Systems
- Alex Pentland, Nuria Oliver, Flavia Sparacino & Glorianna Davenport — Responsive Portraits
- Claudio Pinhanez — Computer Theater
- Robin Bargar — A Sound Authoring Architecture for Virtual Environments and Interactive Applications
Interactive Media Theory
- Simone Osthoff — Lygia Clark and Helio Oitcica: A Legacy of Interactivity and Participation for a Telematic Future
- Harvie Branscomb — Can we Evaluate Interactive Art?
- Benjamin Britton — Mutual Reality: The Future of Interactive Art
- Vladimir Muzhesky — Nettopics: Interactivity and the Synthetic Plane of Immanence
New Vocabularies and Directions of Digital Media
- Norie Neumark — Content and Discontent An Alchemical Transformation of Information Hunger
- George Legrady — Where does Intellectual Discourse reside in New Media Art?
- Mark Palmer — The Foregrounding of the Issue of Space
- Kevin Murray — Glass Angel and Data Insects
- Sue Thomas — THE [+] NET [+] OF DESIRE
- Gérard Mermoz — On Multimedia Syntax: A Semiological Perspective (What We Might Learn From Print)
Performance and Electronic Media
- Barry Schwartz — Satellite Obscura
- Katie Salen — CyberHuman Dance Series
- Margo Apostolos — Movement, Dance, Gesture: A Multidisciplinary Study of Nonverbal Communication
- Ron Pellegrino — Visual Music Flavors
Politics, Art & Society
- Ryszard W. Kluszczyński — Art, Media and Power
- Pierre Davis & Graham Harwood — National Heritage
- Susanna Paasonen — Follow the Yellow Brick Road! Fantasies of Center and Presence in Net Culture
- Ricardo Dominguez — Speed Democracies: The Zapatista Network
Social Theory and Electronic Media
- Patrick Lichty — ‘Convergence’ At the Nexus of Technology, Digital Aesthetics, and Social Theory
- Victoria Vesna — Incorporated Avatars: Organisational Contradictions in Cyberspace
- Janos Sugar & Diana McCarty — Paradigm Shift Interruptus: An Anectodatal History of Hungarian Media
- Sadhna Jain — Below the Surface: New Aesthetics and Immersive Experiences for Trans Cultural Groups
Theories of Digital Art
- Peter Lunenfeld — Questions of Scale: Telepistemology and the Missing Referent
- Emma Posey— Liminality: Place and Non-Place in Fine Art
- Bruce Brown — Memory is the Message
- John Byrne — Re-Mapping Modernity: From Analogue Image to Digital Dream
Virtual Illusion
- Wolfgang Strauss & Monika Fleischmann — Liquid Views: Another Story of Narcissus
- Char Davies — VR as Poesis
- Jorge Luis Marzo — Illusionism and Technology: Notes on Interactivity and Deception
- Oliver Grau — Into the belly of the Image
- Carl Francis DiSalvo — VRML: Writing the Space of Identity on the WWW
- Paul Woodrow & Alan Dunning — More Real is Real: The Transorganic and Hypermorphic in the Einstein’s Brain Project
Panels and Round Table Discussions
The Architecture of Cyberspace
- Peter Anders, Marcos Novak, Nik Williams, Gerhard Eckel, Jim Leftwich, Dirk Lusebrink, Wolfgang Strauss & Wladek Fuchs — The Architecture of Cyberspace
A Multi-Cultural ISEA
- Cynthia Beth Rubin, Lily Diaz, Martin Sperka, James Montford, Kaizaad Navroze Kotwal, Janice Cheddie & Dimitry Shubin — A Multi-Cultural ISEA
Literature, Journalism, and the Telematic Society 1: Coming to Terms with Interactivity
- John Manning — Panel Intro
- Gerald Gieseke — Panel Statement
- Pamela Jennings — Panel Statement
- Girard Mermoz — Panel Statement
- Marie-Luce Demonet — Bio
Literature, Journalism, and the Telematic Society 2: Fact, Fiction, Faction; Converging Styles in Literature and Journalism in On-line Publications
- Hilmar Schmundt, Chair — Panel Intro
- Gundolf Freyermuth — Panel Statement
- Mark Amerika — Panel Statement
- Sue Thomas — Panel Statement
- Calvin Forbes (moderator)
Literature, Journalism, and the Telematic Society 3: Electrified Language
- Friedrich Kittler — Panel Intro
- Mark Jones — Panel Statement
- Artur Matuck — Panel Statement
- Reinhard Kaiser — Panel Statement
- Karin Graf (moderator)
Fact, Fiction, Faction: Converging Styles in Literature and Journalism in Online-Publications
Mark Amerika, Hilmar Schmundt, Sue Thomas & Gundolf S. Freyermuth — Fact, Fiction, Faction: Converging Styles in Literature and Journalism in Online-Publications
Building Bridges or Tearing Up Authorship: On-Line Collaborative Art
- Bonnie Mitchell, Paul Hertz, Susan Dallas Swann & Harlan Wallach — Building Bridges or Tearing Up Authorship: On-Line Collaborative Art
Hype: 1000 Seductions of New Media
- Christopher Csikszentmihalyi, Laura Trippi, Tapio Makela & Lev Manovich — Hype: 1000 Seductions of New Media
The Past, Present, and Future of Publishing
- Stephen Wilson, Roger Malina, Craig Harris, Paul Brown, Annick Bureaud, Roy Ascott & Rejane Spitz — The Past, Present, and Future of Publishing
Re-forming Narrative: Performance, Collaboration, Play
- Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Adrianne Wortzel, Nina Sorbell, Emily Hartzell, Carolyn Guyer & Athomas Goldberg — Re-forming Narrative: Performance, Collaboration, Play
Sensing the Virtual
- Heidi Gilpin, Sandra Buckley, Toni Dove & Brian Massumi — Sensing the Virtual
Telepistemology and the Aesthetics of Telepresence
- Ken Goldberg, Eduardo Kac, Lev Manovich, Michael Naimark, Peter Lunenfeld, Eric Paulos & Sue Spaid — Telepistemology and the Aesthetics of Telepresence
Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Electronics Arts Education
- Rachel Schreiber, Joseph DeLappe, Kristine Diekman, Cinthia Fiss & Fred Endsley — Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Electronics Arts Education