Panel Statement
Panel: Sexually Explicit Imagery & Gender Politics in the Hong Kong Media Sphere
Previous studies on lesbian spectatorship of pornography focused much on the consumption and reception of queer pornography by lesbian audience. In this presentation, I would like to suggest, through my research with a group of young Hong Kong lesbians, that we should also pay attention to the interaction between lesbian spectator and “straight porn”. By tracing their initial exposure to pornographic materials and lesbian-related information, I would like to investigate the relationship between flows of queer knowledge, sexuality and identity formation, to explore the heterosexual conditioning of homosexuality, and the many possible ways of being lesbians in the Hong Kong context.
Video: Panel 1: Sexually Explicit Imagery & Gender Politics in the Hong Kong Media Sphere
- Sonia Wong is a full-time PhD student at the Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University. Her areas of interest include lesbianism, pornography, identity formation, and sexual subjectivity. She founded Reel Women Hong Kong in 2013, aiming at promoting female-created films and art works, as well as gender equality and awareness in society. Apart from organizing Reel Women Hong Kong Film Festival, her creative endeavors include poetry, short fiction, and visual arts. She has recently published her first bi-lingual poetry collection ‘Unseemingly Lasting’.