Panel Statement n.a.
Panel: Ethnography of Gay Eroticism & Activism
Video: Panel 3: Ethnography of Gay Eroticism
- Travis S.K. Kong is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Associate Dean (Undergraduate Education) of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong. His research interests are homosexuality, prostitution, and transnational Chinese sexualities. To date, his articles have appeared in books, encyclopaedias, and journals such as Gender, Work & Organization, Body & Society, Sexualities, Deviant Behavior, Critical Asian Studies, Culture, Health and Sexuality, British Journal of Criminology, Sociological Review, Lancet, and AIDS Care. He is the author of Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy (London: Routledge 2011) and Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong 男男正傳: 香港年長男同志口述史 (Hong Kong: Stepforward 2014; in Chinese). Kong is the co-editor of Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society (2013-), one of the most prestigious international journals in the field of sexuality. He was awarded the Social Sciences Knowledge Exchange Award at the University of Hong Kong (2015) to acknowledge his oral history project on older gay men and the recipient of Prism Award of Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (2014) to recognize his long term service to and research on the LGBT community in Hong Kong.