Artist Statement
pataphysical public plays, launched 2016 at Cabarét Voltaire Zurich, the founding place of DADA 1916
The Void book circulates idealiter in the Cabaret Voltaire Zürich as the historical site of the birth of DADA. The Ludic Society, who acts as “editor” of the book on the impossibility of emptiness and the conditions of void space als public play ground. The Ludic Society defined itself in its first manifesto, published in the European Game Studies magazine Eludamos (Real Player Manifesto, In: Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture, Vol 1, No 1, 2007 (online available) as loose group of affiliates applied a variety of individual game mechanics in order to develop methods of public play, presentation and creation. The vacuum pump of experimental research on absence can be best activated there in the collective absinthe ecstasy, at any moment or at the occasion of the Void book presentation as present for the 100th anniversary of Dada in 2016. Such a public event marks the launch of a real-time space patrol, as the writer Stanislaw Lem (1971) would describe a toxicologically induced flight in the emptiness of the mental A VOID space, brain-drain controlled, experienced as VOID level in the brain of the player.
- Margarete Jahrmann, subject area Game Design, Dept. Design, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), Switzerland / Founder of the Ludic Society.
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