Abstract (Poster)
There are great similarities between the behavior of electromagnetic wave phenomena and phenomena in the acoustic domain, and those correspondences inspired the work “Q” (quanta of sounds). The interactive installation takes as its point of origin of the electricity distributed in the spectrum of audible sounds generated by the instrument (in this case the voice of audience captured by microphones), treating it and returning it with profound deviations in time and space. The energy distribution in the spectrum of the acoustic sound is its own identity, its character, a kind of genetic code or fingerprint that makes the event unique and unrepeatable. The patch configured with the software MAX / MSP is responsible for analysing the energy distribution (energy of sound) by dividing the spectrum in typical critical bands that are also the one with which works the basilar membrane, located in the cochlea. The energy (of the original sound) captured in the 25 critical bands will be analysed and then returned in time in small packets (quanta) no longer in a synchronized manner but with appropriate time intervals that make more distinct and perceptible their presence, opening like a ray of light refracted by a prism.
- Paola Lopreiato, Planetary Collegium, School of Art and Media, Plymouth University, UK paolalopreiato.com
- Alfonso Belfiore, Conservatory L. Cherubini, Music and New Technology Department, University of Florence, Florence, IT
Full text (PDF) p. 441