Abstract (short paper)
This paper discusses a recent mixed reality interface developed within the collaborative art-technology project Senses Places, a participatory performance environment. The present webcam interface works by motion detection algorithms created through the frame difference method and responds to a critical need from the somatic-technological dance approach. Captured by a webcam, the participant’s movements are exported into a 3D Virtual World where they trigger pre-set animations in an avatar, according to choreographic improvisation principles. Senses Places fosters mixed reality performance events that gather performers and visiting physical and online participants from all over the world in a virtual place, where they engage kinaesthetically in new shared embodied mediated experiences towards expanding awareness to cross geographic, cultural, disciplinary, artistic and human boundaries.
- Joana Martins, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
- Todd Cochrane, Digital Technologies, NMIT, Nelson, New Zealand
- Isabel Valverde, Research Centre of Arts and Communication, Lisbon Open University, Portugal
- Ana Moura Santos, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Full text (PDF) p. 319-322