Abstract (long paper)
Eivind Røssaak Visiting Professor, Taipei Tech, researcher at National Library of Norway Website: https://nb.academia.edu/EivindR%C3%B8ssaak Abstract In the age of social media, notions of life and memory are transformed. This paper investigates how the Media Art Group Constant have refashioned the archive of the Finnish engineer and artist Erkki Kurenniemi, who set out to create an archive of his own life for a possible artificial life resurrection in the future. Constant explores modes of life and mediation in their experimental digital archive project. The paper investigates how this this project illuminates the future of archives and social memory through a dialogue with media archaeology, format theory and Actor-NetworkTheory.
- Eivind Røssaak, Visiting Professor, Taipei Tech, researcher at National Library of Norway. nb.academia.edu/EivindR%C3%B8ssaak
Full text (PDF) p. 173-177