Abstract (short paper)
This paper describes a developing series of highly speculative works and activities that suggest new ways to experience urban space, by listening to and analyzing audio environments using speech recognition and image analysisn software, to produce texts, voices and sounds that disturb our sense of the shape of our space, by changing our physiological, psychological and emotional states. The city is considered as in a constant state of becoming, as a series of moments of lived experience, of active spatiotemporal events that suggest both time and space are often fluid when considered by a perceiving body. The project explores new cultural constructions of the city to reimagine and rediscover urban space.
Acknowledgements †. Paul Woodrow died on July 24, 2015. His essential intellectual contributions to the research and development of the works cited in this paper, to the writing of this manuscript are joyfully acknowledged.
- Alan Dunning Art Department, University of Calgary, CA
- Paul Woodrow [1941-2015], UK/CA, Art Department, University of Calgary, CA theguardian.com/artanddesign/2015/aug/30/paul-woodrow-obituary
Full text (PDF) p. 267-270