Panel Statement (abstract)
We are living in a world where software is central to every field of social, political, and economic import. Governments are imposing coding into primary and secondary school curricula as they begin to understand the importance and urgency of engaging with these technologies. How do we make sense of and trust these myriad manifestations of software, or even know or understand who or what is behind the code that creates and designs our mediated reality? How can we have agency to disrupt and change mainstream society’s dominant control through this meta-medium? Where do we start? This panel will share our knowledge of strategies to promote critical engagement with software.
This Panel session will consist of four 15-minute presentations as described in the sections to follow. Panelists will address the following questions:
- Artists and Code. What strategies are used to encourage artists to utilise coding in their practice?
- Computational Thinking in Art/Design Education – How can we develop Computational Thinking as a fundamental foundation of creative imagination?
- Transcoding Place through media platforms, will answer, what considerations do designer’s have in the production of art-science collaborations and why are they important?
- A revolution in coding is required within universities. What is needed to improve academia’s software literacy?
- Greg Giannis, Independent Researcher, Australia
- Hugh Davies, La Trobe University, Australia
- Victoria Moulder, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Murray Mckeich, RMIT University, Australia
Full text (PDF) p. 406-407