[Overview] [Presentations] [Workshops] [Art Events]
Keynote Presentations
- Sally Jane Norman — Location and Navigation: Wayfaring and Arts of Tuning
- Theo Jansen — Beach Beasts
- Janet Echelman — Reshaping Public Space
- Erkki Huhtamo — Obscured by The Cloud: How Media Archaeology Can Help Us Understand the Traffic of Images on the Internet?
Paper Presentations
- Aaron Oldenburg — Getting to the Bottom of Reality: Designing Contexts for the Emergence of Truth(s) in Documentary Videogames
- Karla Brunet — Sensing Baia de Todos os Santos bay and Paraguaçu river
- Raakhi Kapur & Ajay Kapur — Samsara: A digital medium for theatrical storytelling using animation, robotics and immersive technology
- Laura De Decker — How And Why I Created This Fur Ball
- Ingrid Bachmann — Hybrid Bodies: Intersections of Art and Science
- Benjamin Poynter — A Shy Game: The Artist’s Bared Soul in Virtual 3D Space
- Raphael Arar (remote) & Ajay Kapur — (+/-) Pendulum
- Scott Hessels — The Moon Is A Mirror: Organic and Natural Screens
- Sheng-Ying Pao — Post-digital Sunlight: Participatory Space crossing Virtual and Physical, Artificial and Natural
- Andrew Buchanan — The case for Improvisation: New Approaches to Animated Digital Sculpture
- Daniel Howe — ‘Simulization’: New Paradigms for Networked Language Art
- Gabriel Menotti Gonring — The Map as Raw Material
- Claudia Westermann — Blank Spaces, an Excursion to Another Future
- Chris Speed, Ben Butchart, Janet Dickinson & Julia Hibbert — Locating the Territory
- Byeongwon Ha — Tweeting Twitter: How to make instant messages slow
- RM Vaughan — Flickering Formalism: The Art of Lorna Mills
- Jongcheon Shin, Jangwon Lee & Joonsung Yoon — MASS CAFÉ: Picturing Uncertainty within Coffee Ring Effect
- Semi Ryu — VoicingElder: avatar platform for reminiscence storytelling
- Vagner Whitehead — T/HERE
- David Bouchard — Observation Instruments for Imaginary Geographies
- Chae Ho Lee — New forms of Creative Expression Within Typography and Lettering
- Flavia Caviezel — RhyCycling: Fluid Borderland
- Paulo Bernardino Bastos, Maria Manuela Lopes & Sergio Eliseu — Intertwining Art and Anatomopathology through Artistic Exploration of Augmented Reality and Medical Imaging
- Yi-hui Huang — Invisible Realities in Digitally Synthesized Photographs
- Eric Powell — iFly Dubai: a nonlinear gesture‑based soundmap
- Patricia Zimmermann & Dale Hudson — Thinking through Digital Media
- Sharmeen Syed & George Katodrytis — Roaming Trans-cities and Airborne Fiction: click the image to enlarge and zoom in
- Salvatore Iaconesi & Oriana Persico — An Emotional Compass: Harvesting Geo-located Emotional States from User Generated Content on Social Networks and Using them to Create a Novel Experience of Cities
- Mark Hursty — Making Glass Road Muqarnas through Digital Road Process
- Glen Lowry, Henry Tsang & M. Simon Levin — Maraya, where is here? reflections on practice-based research as engagement strategy
- Annie Wan — Space Juxtaposition in Arts
- Julianne Pierce — The spaces between: artist and audience
- Claude Fortin, Alexandre Lupien & Kate Hennessy — Learning From the Megaphone: Design Principles for Interactive Public Space Digital Installations
- Thomas Laurenzo — Human-Computer Idology
- Andreia Oliveira & Felix Rebolledo — Locative Art, Identity And Memory: Production of Participative Hypermedia Documentaries in the Settlements of Landless Rural Workers Movement in Brazil
- Francisco Gerardo Toledo Ramírez — Because I am not Here, Selected Second Life-Based Art: Dual Subjectivity, Liminality and the Individually Social
- Anthony Head — Stories on walls: representing text through architectural projection
- Atteqa Ali — Geographies without bodies and bodies without lands: Video Art in the Islamic World
- Jonny Farrow — Nowhere, Anywhere, Everywhere: Location as Fiction and Function
- Ingrid Hoelzl & Remi Marie — Google Street View: Navigating the operative image
- Heather Contant & Rory Solomon — An Urban Radio Portrait: Mapping of Walter Benjamin’s Berlin
- Seth Ellis & Chris Cassidy — The Ford Folly
- Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau — Shanghai Express: an interactive installation dealing with the city as a fragile organism
- Joseph DeLappe — Project 929: Mapping the Solar
- Seth Thompson — The Jazeera Al Hamra Digital Heritage Project: A Model for Digitally Preserving the Heritage of the Arabian Peninsula
- Joonsung Yoon, Kok Yoong Lim & Sau Bin Yap — Digging into the Cassava Tuber: Archiving Social Memory in Cyberspace as Social Digital Archaeology
- Eva Kekou — Out of the box: smart cities
- Haytham Nawar — Rea’location
- Paul Catanese — Visible from Space
- Leandro Pisano — Post‑digital territory: cultural and aesthetic geographies beyond new media
- Francesca Baglietto — Locative Media Experiences and the Rise of Hybrid Exhibitionary Spaces
- Nina Colosi — Art and the Science of Influencing Hearts and Minds (Streaming Museum)
- Alexia Mellor & Anthony Schrag — Locating the artist: A DIY-waniya
- Nigel Helyer — A Different Engine
- Paul Bantey — Convergent journeys
- Fernanda Araujo — Museums: A study of attractiveness on social networks
- Matt Kenyon — Oil, War and Housing Markets: the aesthetics of accumulation and waste
- Breno Bitarello Sad, Daisyléa Paiva, Jane de Almeida, Beatrix Longo & Joao Queiroz — From microscope to skin: the use of stem cell images to design bio inspired tattoos
- Masanori Mizuno — A relationship between the Internet and the physical for the art
- Joonsung Yoon, Arem Ryu & Suk Chon — The Post-virtual Stage for Performing Arts
- Andrea Davidson — Location as Space/Space as Location: The Notion of Perspective from Postmodern to Digital Art
- Kirk Woolford — Holding Moments in Place
- Andrea Sosa — The device in interactive art: Interactivity, Gesture and Sense
- Laura Beloff — Designing Nature
- Dot Tuer — From the City Plaza to the Virtual Database: New Media Interventions in the Mining of Memory
- Andrew Starner — Place of Place in Telematic Society
- Mécia Sá, Ricardo Lobo & Miguel Carvalhais — Polivis: Methods Towards an Augmented Citizenship
- Greg Garvey — The Right to Artificial Life: A Declaration of Rights for Artificial Life
- Matthew Riley & Adam Nash — Contemplative interaction and mixed reality artworks
- Tiago Franklin, Rodrigues Lucena & Cristiano Jacques Miosso — Enactive Affective Systems in Art and TechnoScience: Vital Experiences of Displacement in the City
- Je-ho Oh & Chung-Kon Shi — A Basic Design for the Interactive Artwork Image Garden based on the Traditional Korean Myth ‘Lady WonAng’
- Frank Ekeberg — Archaeophony: (re)creating ancient soundscapes
- Adriana Guzman — Digital intervention of archaeological sounds of Tuza aerophones
- Deborah Lawler-Dormer — State sensing: Recent environmental media installation art from Aotearoa/New Zealand
- Morten Søndergaard — Redesigning the Way We Listen
- Pia Palme — The noise of mind: a performative statement of privacy
- Fari Bradley — Audible Phenomena in the Everyday
- Wilson Avilla — Music from outer space
- Ed Osborn — Palm House Transect
- Polina Dronyaeva — New Media as Technologies of Self, or ‘Sentimental Journey’ of Modern Nomads
- Matilda Asuzu — Applying Data Visualization to Cultural Study of the Salsa
- Alice Ming Wai Jim — Speculative Identity: Let’s Play with Our Values. Toi, Moi et la Charte (‘You, Me, and the Charter’)
- Brad Miller — Expanded photography; Interactive media art, contingency, crowd-sourced distributed pictures and Big Biology Data
- Yoon Chung Han & Byeong-jun Han — Skin Pattern Data Sonification as Personalized Media Art Experience
- Nina Leo — The Politics of Smell: how scent technologies are affecting the way we experience space, our sense of place and one another
- Rachel Zuanon & Geraldo Coelho Lima Júnior — Design of co-evolving textiles applied to smart products
- Valérie Lamontagne — Open Wearables
- Ken Byers — Mind/Body-Movement Embodiment and Interactive 3D audio/visual
- Terry Flaxton —Making Sense of theory in an age that supersedes the theoretic
- Zeynep Zeren Goktan — Counter
- Todd Cochrane & Isabel Valverde — Senses and places mediated by water: Can we sense kinesthesis in dance through ripples in a pond?
- Tomas Laurenzo — Interlacing Worlds: Fibres and Sensory Mediation
- Pedro Cardoso (remote) & Miguel Carvalhais (remote) — Transcoding Action: Embodying the game
- Elizabeth Granados Salgado, Mario Humberto & Valencia García — Telematic Interaction in Collaborative Creation Enviroments
- Meredith Drum — Place-based, Somatic Augmented Reality as Critical Practice
- Stahl Stenslie — Engendering tactility through haptic bodysuits
- Martha Ladly — Imagining CBC Newsworld
- Eva Sjuve — Sound: Volatile: Metopia
- Koen Snoeckx — natlaB-Baltan: electronic art in the former Philips Physics Laboratory
- Slavica Ceperkovic — 2025: Deriving plausible futures of domestic objects through three-axis cube world design, foresight techniques and ideational drawing
- Chris Speed & Chris Barker — New Domestic Locations: Reconfiguring the home through the Internet of Things
- Andreas Guskos — Aheilos virtual world: Creation and education in the space of information
- Katerina Karoussos — The I-Node of the Planetary Collegium
- Peter Hassall & Brione LaThrop — Story Mile
- Raivo Kelomees — Specialized Competence of Art Audiences and the Signature of Technology Artists: A Look at the History of Artscience and Criteria for Evaluating it
- Isabel Restrepo & Esteban Garcia — 2467/3970: A shortcut to connect Purdue University (USA) and Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia) in an interdisciplinary experience between art and technology
- Falk Heinrich — A theoretical foundation for the integration of artistic and academic methodologies
- Simone van Groenestijn — Play Connected: an online media game
- Ajay Kapur & Perry Cook — Delocalized pedagogy through digital music programming instruction
- Wim van der Plas — ISEA and the Inter-Society
- Hana Iverson, Jackie Brookner & Pramod Abichandani — The Breath Project
- Falk Heinrich — Beauty of Media Created Worlds
- Stahl Stenslie — Haptic Media Across Cultures
- Lau Ho Chi & Olli Tapio Leino — New Media Art Beyond Mediation
- Luisa Pereira — The Well-Sequenced Synthesizer
- Damien Charrieras — Logics of technologically (un)mediated production in electronic music and video games
- Helen Yung & Tom Kuo — THYK
- Jessica Thompson — Mobile Sound and (Re)Making Place
- Annette Weintraub — Overload/Absence: the collapse of space to surface in representations of urban space
- Rocio von Jungenfeld — Walking with projectors
- Caitilin de Bérigny (remote) & FreyaZinovieff (remote) — Media façades: Augmenting Urban Locations through Interaction
- Sojung Bahng, Patrick Hutchings & Graham Wakefield — Generative spatial montage with multi-layered screens in “Lost Fragments of the Night”
- Diane Derr — Urban Space of Qatar’s Built Heritage
- Greg Giannis — Mapping Public Spaces
- André Damião — Musica Mobilis: New Relationships between Sound and Space
- Angela Davies — Do we mark time, or does time mark us?
- Elizabeth Shores & Jessamyn Lovell — Lomas On-Site Listening Station (LOLS): Infrastructure and Visibility in Public Space
- Rita Buil, Andrea Olmedo & Non Ten Xeito Fole — Constelaciones
- Marea Atkinson — Remapping the city with the ephemeral night sky
- Cynthia-Beth Rubin — Sensing Science: The Microscopic Environment as Subject
- Yun Tae Nam — RGB Sphere
Institutional Presentations
- Fathima Mohiuddin — Al Ghurair Centre’s Public Art Commission
- Hetal Pawani & Lindsey Gildea — Current Works at thejamjar
- Cynthia Beth Rubin, Greg Garvey, Scottie Huang, Sue Gollifer & Bonnie Mitchell — ACM Siggraph Digital Arts Community
- Elizabeth Monoian & Robert Ferry — Land Art Generator Initiative
- Boris Debackere & Steven Devleminck — The Locus of Action: Tinted Windows
- Hind Mezaina — theculturist.com
- Emmanuela Corti, Ivan Parati & Muhammed Shameel — Studio Caravan
- Shady El Noshokaty — ASCII Foundation for Contemporary Art Education
- Charlene Quant-World — Mountain Convergence: The Banff Centre
Panels & Roundtables
TECHNOLOGY (Panels & Roundtables)
- Krista L. Caballero (Moderator) — Birding the Future: environmental health within a regional and global perspective
- Taqi Shaheen (Moderator), Yasir Hussain (remote), Aamir Habib & Atteqa Ali — Locationally Yours
- Cecelia Cmielewski (Moderator), Clea T Waite, Lauren Fenton & Bronia Iwanczak — meta-narratives
- Scott Fitzgerald (Moderator) — Interactivity II: Locating Process and Practice
LOCATION/SPACE (Panels & Roundtables)
- Christiane Heibach (Moderator), Jan-Lewe Torpus, Andreas Simon — Responsive Environments: A Panel On the Interrelation between Location, Atmosphere, and Digital Media
- James Partaik — Insertio
- Cornelia Sollfrank (Moderator), Sarah Cook & Felix Stalder — Art in the Age of Networks
- Beryl Graham (Moderator), Savita Apt, Manu Park & Christiane Paul — Collecting New Media Art
- Peter Anders (Moderator), Christiane Paul, Edward Shanken, Oron Catts, Brandon Ballengée & Paul Thomas — Genresis: Trends and Trajectories within the Art/Science Genre
- Ali Hossaini (Moderator), Warren Neidich & Marcos Lutyens — Arabic Medicine Contributions to the Field of Ophalmology and Beyond
- Sultan Sooud Al Qassemi (Moderator) — Diversifying the city: The role of heritage and culture in the age of technology
PERFORMANCE (Panels & Roundtables)
- Scott Fitzgerald (Moderator), Khaled Hafez, Ahmed El Shaer & Chadi Salama — Mediating the Nomadic Highway (MENASA focus)
- Ian Winters (Moderator), Kirk Woolford, Mark Coniglio (remote), John Macallum & Teoma Naccorato — Choreographies of attention and control: biosensors, networks and embodiment in installation and performance
- Kirsty Boyle (Moderator), Chris Lueg & Leah Barclay — What Actually Is Interaction? When Does it Start and Where Does It End?
- Kirsty Boyle (Moderator) & Angela Ndalianis — Locating East West Robot Culture
SENSORY BODY (Panels & Roundtables)
- Dot Tuer & Caroline Langill (Moderators), Zina Kaye, Hind Bin Demaithan, Myfanwy Ashmore, Fari Bradley & Jane Tingley — Women & Interactivity: Exploring Art, Science & Technology
- Luisa Paraguai (Moderator), Jenny Marketou & Josely Carvalho — Scent marks and territories: cultural artefacts
- Russell Arthur Bauer (moderator), Andrea Polli & Nigel Jamieson — Dream Land: Mass Hallucinations and Virtual Changes to Real Environments
EDUCATION/MEDIA (Panels & Roundtables)
- Ellen Pearlman (Round Table Moderator) — Cognitive Terrains
- Hamda Al Ansari (Moderator) — Nomadic Dolls
- Janis Jefferies (Moderator) — Location aesthetics: Creative technologies
- Peter Chanthanakone (Moderator) — Online Higher Education for Electronic Arts: New Practices
- Bonnie Mitchell (Moderator) — Leap of Animation
- Smita Kheria (Moderator) — Copyright and Digital Media Art
- Olli Tapio Leino (Moderator) — The New Playable Art
- Nina Czegledy (Moderator) — ISEA2014 Education Forum
- Nathan Hull — Stephen Fry Narrative Techology
PUBLIC SPACE (Panels & Roundtables)
- Giorgio Ungani (Moderator) — Changing policy: The relationship of bottom up art communities and governments
- Elisabeth Monoian & Robert Ferry (Moderators) — Smart City: Learning from artistic methods to build smart future city spaces
- Carlos Guedes (Moderator) — Connecting Cultures: Research Collaboration and Shared Digital Archives