[ISEA95] Panel: Ecole des hautes etudes commerciales & Heritage Canada — Convergence Between Culture and Technology: The Role of Government

Panel Statement

Satellite Event

It is still difficult to predict the repercussions of the transformations generated by the information highway on the evolution of societies, cultures and states. Will the infobahn toll the bell for mass society? Is the structure of the new information society presently being determined? What will be the role of the state in asserting cultural identities? The Chaire de gestion des arts de l’Ecole des hautes etudes commerciales, in collaboration with Heritage Canada, organizes this Forum in order to examine these issues.


  • Pierre Levy (France)
  • Paul Hoffert (Canada)
  • Jean Talbot (Canada)
  • Gerri Sinclair (Canada)
  • Guy Bertrand (Canada)