Artist Statement
Electronic Cabaret
In 1912, using Mallarme’s vision of Debussy’s music, Nijinski created L’Apres-midi d’un faune for the Russian Ballet in Paris under the direction of Diaghilev. In 1987, Marie Chouinard choreographed her prelude based on Nijinski’s creation: a ground-based, profiled and horizontal opus awakening memories of Egyptian frescoes and Greek vases. The seven nymphs of the original work become dream-like creatures seen through light beams. Nijinski’s male character is here performed by a woman, a quite unusual occurrence.
Choreography: Marie Chouinard, dancer: Pamela Newell, coach: Daniel Hetier, lighting design: Alain Lortie, costume design: Luc Courchesne, Louis Montpetit, Marie Chouinard, realization of the costume: Anne Remillard, makeup: Jacques Lee Pelletier, technical director: Axel Morgenthaler, lighting: Philippe Dupeyroux, sound engineer: Eddy Friedman.
- Marie Chouinard (Canada) perceives choreography as a sacred art and an artist as a “medicine man”. Since her first creation in 1979 in Montreal, her tours have brought her to the great festivals of Europe, Asia and North America. Armed with curiosity and eclecticism, she has explored the ways of the body while living in Berlin, Bali and Nepal. Her work which was performance, event or installation (some 30 creations) has now become pure body action calling for gestures and sounds. She was awarded the Prix Jacqueline-Lemieux in 1986 and the Chalmers Award in 1987 and founded the Compagnie Marie Chouinard in 1990.