Artist Statement
The creation of this work was rendered possible by the technological limits of the UPIC real-time computer, a system developed under the instructions of composer lannis Xenakis. Its strength resides in the graphical interface controlling a 64-bit Fujitsu DSP chip. The hardware allows for 64 waveforms to be played at any time within a range of 2 to 20 khz! My experience with this system was garnered over a period of five years. Timbre is used as a variable to create this poetic atmosphere. In at least one part of the piece, I am reminded of the classic of this genre Gesang der Jünglinge by K. Stockhausen…
Hans Mittendorf (UK) was born in 1952 in Germany and presently based in London. He studied electronic music composition with a scholarship at the Royal College of Music in London and two more scholarships from the Academie de Paris to study lannis Xenakis’ computer system and later, algorithmic composition at the ZKM in Karlsruhe, Germany.