Artist Statement
A game of ambiguity. Hesitation between sense and sound, the said and the suggested, the face and the mask, the real and the virtual. Uncertainty between opaqueness and transparence. Music of illusion. Dedicated to Claude Vivier and an homage to the composers of “Evenements du neuf”: Evangelista, Gougeon, Rea. Mutation of the musical instrument: mobility, relief, color among the shadows.
- Francis Dhomont (Canada) is composer emeritus at the Centre de Musique Canadienne (Canadian Music Center), and founding member of the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC). In 1989, he has been dividing his time since 1978 between France and Quebec where he teaches electroacoustic composition at the Universite de Montreal. A strong advocate of the originality of acoustic art for more than thirty years, he has written morphological works that reveal the ambiguity of senses and sounds.