Artist Statement
Traverser les grandes eaux is inspired by a phrase frequently encountered in the French translation of the I Ching: “It is advantageous to cross the great waters”. It is a prelude to a suite of sixty-four pieces under one minute in duration, inspired by the hexagrams of the Book of Changes.
Pleine lune is an excerpt from Nuits sans parole. It plunges you into the sleepless, indigo night. Reponse impressionniste was created using sounds produced by the SYTER system (GRM, Paris).
- Daniel Leduc (Canada) is a radiophonic artist specializing in the electroacoustic miniature. He is a doctoral student and teaches at the Universite de He was finalist at the Bourges International Competition (1988, 1989), Laureate at the CBC Young Composers Competition (1990), and received the Prix du public at the ACREQ Electra-clip competition (1994).