Introductory Statement
We live in an era that is giving rise to the rapid emergence of new fields of creative practice variously represented under the generic titles of ‘electronic art’, ‘new media’, ‘computer art’ and so on. Progressive developments in the tech-nologies that enable the exploration and production of computer graphics and global telecom-munications have created the conditions for an unprecedented global neighbourhood of artists and scientists. The shape of this neighbourhood has not yet been determined — nor may it ever be. Fueled by the creative energies of hard-to-categorise practitioners working in a variety of capacities simultaneously, this multi-disciplinary surge stretches at the leading edges of our contemporary technological culture. The Third International Symposium on Electronic Art (TISEA) provides a unique forum to experience, discuss and critically evaluate the implications of these most exciting and controversial mutations emerging from the intersections of art, science, mathematics, technology and culture. At the conclusion of the Second International Symposium on Electronic Art (SISEA) in Groningen, the Netherlands, it was announced that Australia would host the next manifestation of the event, TISEA. Since that time, the Australian TISEA Coordinating Committee has been preparing an event that will build upon the achievements of the last two symposia, and experiment with a number of format innovations including an artist’s slideshow, a commissioned radio broadcast and an expanded exhibitions program. TISEA presents a wide range of artists’ works, from pen-plotter drawings through coputer generated holography to laserdisc interactives and sensed-space environments.This extensive program places artists’ works in galleries and museums across the city of Sydney rather than in the often highly compromising circumstances forced through the exigencies of temporary exhibition spaces. TISEA aims to amplify and enhance the experience of the exhibited works through a number of face-to-face’ events where artists, delegates and members of the public can explore and discuss the issues arising from creative practice involving electronic technologies. An organising strategy of TISEA has been to ensure a high level of direct participation of international visitors, guests and delegates. The program of workshops, papers and panels, and poster sessions has been designed to provide a series of dynamic environments for the presentation of ideas and works that inspire, provoke and fuel current researches. Two performance evenings, a program of electronic theatre, telecommunications access terminals, a national audio broadcast on ABC Radio — all extend, challenge and confound accepted definitions of what constitutes art practice, technological development, even the bounds of science. The practitioners involved in TISEA shift across media enticing us into unusual realms of thought, performance, interaction and communicative space. These are but some of the commonalities shared by the many TISEA participants. Individual endeavours are, however, not so easily categorised (even provisionally). The materials gathered together in this publication — from writers, artists, performers and speakers — constitute a unique report from the heart of this global community.
embers of the Board of the Australian Network for Art and Technology I am delighted to be able to welcome delegates to the Third International Symposium on Electronic Art. Chair The Symposium is the result of Australian Network tor Art and Technology complex and thorough programming by many people over the past two years. It is not possible to thank them all here by name, but we are sure that the success of the symposium will be an acknowledgement of their contribution. As the host organisation of TISEA, the Australian Network for Art and Technology is extending its programming for the first time into the international scene. Over the past six years ANAT has undertaken projects which focus on research and development, skills acquisition and information management. Our aim is foster the consideration of the cultural value of the integration of new technologies into contemporary art practice. TISEA provides for us the opportunity to bring together for the first time in this country some of the most important practitioners and writers in this field. I’m sure the effects of the participation in this symposium will be long term and broad in art and technology in Australia. The Australian Network for Art and Technology’s future programming will build on the momentum and success of this most significant event.
- Ross Harley, Australia, TISEA director
- Gary Warner, Australia, TISEA chair