Artist Statement
This multimedia work reflects the existential concept of man in his environment. It develops in time and space thanks to a computer-assisted electronic system. It’s three parts are: The Holosculpture, a concept of our world through stones, holograms and music; The Words, projected in the space while the action of the holosculpture is subtly slowed down; and a video, Vertigo terrae, projected on a wide screen and giving another feeling of the same concern. Electroacoustic music: Marcelle Deschénes, Editing: Gabrielle Schloesser, Electronics: Martin Pelletier, Assistent: Raynald Tremblay. This installation has been made possible by the Canada Council, the Université du Québec é Montréal and MGD Productions (Montréal).
- Maurice-Georges Dyens (Canada) creates robotized holosculptures which integrate music, sculpture and holograms and question the viewer about man and his environment. Awarded the Premier Prix of Rome, the Prix de la Biennale de Paris, he is corresponding member of the Academie europeenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres, and won the Shearwater Foundation International Award in 1994 for the excellence of his holographic works. He teaches at the Universite du Quebec a Montreal and is Senior Lecturer at the Centre europeen de technoculture in Paris. His works have been shown around the world.