Artist Statement
Venue: The Substation
The launch of n.e.w.s. ( during ISEA2008. n.e.w.s. is a horizontally-organised, knowledge-based website for contemporary art and new media. A geographically dispersed platform, it aims to facilitate the production of new content and visions of change outside the usual parameters of the established artworld operations. Featuring diverse curatorial contributions and collaborations, n.e.w.s. is a tool for networking and distributing immaterial resources and intellectual goods across the globe. For the launch, n.e.w.s. and The Substation will organise an evening forum. n.e.w.s. respresentatives and curators who have virtually taken part will now physically meet, to further discuss the development of the platform, the possibilities and challenges it faces. A live webstream on the n.e.w.s. website will enable those not in Singapore to participate in the launch event. Chaired by Lee Weng.Choy
- Lee Weng Choy is an art critic and artistic co-director of The Substation arts centre in Singapore.