Artist Statement
Dreams combine digital drawings with experimental animation and invites viewers to go on a kaleidoscopic journey into abstract worlds of imagery. Originally completed in 2007 the film’s first version was 40 minutes in length and screened for the occasion of The 4th Xposition ‘O’ Contemporary Dance Fiesta 2007, 4th Biennial Event; Art Performance Titled: Boundaries,@ Gallery Theatre National Museum of Singapore. Following were short 4:37 min version in 2008. The film was also configured for 3D stereo immersive viewing in 320-degree curved theatre in the Institute for Media Innovation, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Ars Electronica Deep Space, Linz, Europe. [Source: Vimeo]
- Ina Conradi Ina is a new media artist, currently Associate Professor at the Nanyang Technological University Singapore, School of Art, Design and Media.
The project is supported by Ministry of Education, Singapore, MOE (AcRF) Tier 1 RG105/10 (M52090000), Project Title “Digital Imaging in Singapore”, 01.01.2008-28.2.2010, PI Ina Conradi