[ISEA2013] Artist Statement: Lauren Brincat — Mexican Standoff

Artist Statement

Anne Landa Award for Video and New Media Arts 2013. 

Lauren Brincat’s video work Mexican Standoff shows a performance she undertook in Mexico City. Here a group of female horse riders, including the artist herself, standoff with a statue of a heroic man on horseback at the Museo Nacional de Arte. The work forms a response to the lack of statues of heroic women on horseback compared to the many, many public statues of men portrayed in a heroic manner. [source: Kathleen Linn, https://www.artshub.com.au]

Documentation of an action
Two-channel digital video, 16:9, colour, sound; sculpture
8’20”; 160 x 90 x 90 cm
Sound: Bree van Reyk
Cinematographer: Rafael Ortega
Special Thank you: Aline Hernandez & Nayeli Garcia

  • Lauren Brincat (AU) is an artist who works across diverse media from video and performance to sculpture and installation. Brincat employs moving images and their soundtracks to probe historical ruptures and failures of language. Using a variety of platforms – video installation, sculpture, performance and walking scores – her work explores non-verbal modes of expression through narratives or ideas. By distancing us from a logical, direct, language-based understanding, her work opens the door to multiple perspectives and interpretations. https://laurenbrincat.com