[ISEA2011] Panel: Nick Hasty — Sustainable Preservation Practices and The Rhizome ArtBase

Panel Statement

Panel: New Media Archives- New Intelligent Ambiances

The paper “Sus­tain­able preser­va­tion prac­tices and the Rhi­zome Art­Base” is a case study pre­pared to de­tail the re­cent over­haul of the Rhi­zome Art­Base.  Founded in 1999, the Rhi­zome Art­Base is an on­line archive of new media art con­tain­ing around 2508 art works, and grow­ing. The Art­Base en­com­passes a vast range of pro­jects by artists from all over the world that em­ploy ma­te­ri­als such as soft­ware, codes, web­sites, mov­ing im­ages, games and browsers to aes­thet­ics and crit­i­cal ends. The paper is an overview of the chal­lenges, de­ci­sions, and tech­nolo­gies be­hind the new Rhi­zome Archive, as well as a roadmap for its fu­ture.

  • Nick Hasty, Director of Technology for Rhizome at the New Museum,is an artist, pro­gram­mer, writer & mu­si­cian. He cur­rently serves as Di­rec­tor of Tech­nol­ogy for Rhi­zome, where he reengi­neered the site’s archive of New Media Art, the Art­Base, and the en­tire site as a whole. He re­cently col­lab­o­rated with Ryan Tre­cartin in build­ing the user-gen­er­ated video art plat­form riverthe.net, and plays drums and elec­tron­ics in the Brook­lyn-based band Source of Yel­low. He re­ceived a B.A. in Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture from the Uni­ver­sity of Geor­gia, and holds a Mas­ter’s de­gree from NYU’s In­ter­ac­tive Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Pro­gram in the Tisch School of the Arts.

Full text (PDF) p. 1136-1140