Artist Statement
Vinyl text, 2500mm × 2000mm. Te Taiao Maori is a representation of Maori whakapapa (genealogy) and cosmology.
- Te Huirangi Waikerepuru a Taranaki kaumatua with a nationally significant record of contributions to the cultural life of Aotearoa including early work in developing Maori Television and ensuring a path for legislation of the Maori language to be held as a national taonga. He is Te Kahui Kaumatua for the Tertiary Education Union Council, serves as a Guardian of Taranaki, fulfils the role of Cultural Advisor to WITT and is a prize winning author of childrens books in Te Reo Maori. He holds an Honorary Doctorate for his contribution to Maori submissions on the radio spectrum.
Full text and images (PDF) p. 212-215