In Retrospect of the International Symposium on Electronic Art, 2002NAGOYA
Intro to the publication “Documents ISEA2002/MEDIASELECT2002”
The International Symposium on Electronic Art, 2002 NAGOYA, has ended. The 5-day long official programs were the forum for 328 artists and researchers from 30 countries presenting their work and thoughts. Over 10,000 general public participated. 34 related events organized in various parts of Nagoya and others combined, it turned out that as many as 120,000 people saw the electronic art firsthand. At the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium, Oasis21 in Sakae Park and in Shirakabe-cho house, many citizens experienced new breeds of art and witnessed their beauty.
What are the things that ISEA brought about and left behind? While it is certainly true that we could feel a sense of fulfillment and some kind of reward in the thick atmosphere filled in the warehouses of Garden Pier and Harbor Hall, it also seems true that achievements or significance of all the events still need some time before they take shape.
Catalogues of the artwork and proceedings of the research presentations have already been published in time with the symposium.
This booklet, therefore, is compiled with an intent of over viewing the official programs as well as recording the results of such tandem programs as MEDIASELECT2002, a program organized and implemented by MEDIASELECT, associated programs and related programs.
- Kiyofumi Motoyama (Japan) is Chairperson, Steering Committee, 11th lnternational Symposium on Electronic Art, ISEA2002 NAGOYA and Representative of MEDIASELECT
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