Introductory Statement
Most of all, ISEA2000 means having the pleasure and honour of welcoming artists and intellectuals coming from around the globe to gather around the creative arts to Paris. This year, for the tenth anniversary of the event, ISEA has for its theme ‘revelation’ For me, this word has a wealth of evocations. We will thus expect revelations, surprises and meetings between talents, both new and older and we hope that this place of exchange will fulfil the many expectations of all the participants.
In ten years time, digital technologies have been greatly developed. They are and will always be more and more a part of our daily lives. Here in Paris, we will not be dealing with these technologies in their future banality, but rather with the never banal meeting between artists and these technologies. It does not matter what we call these creations today, nor whether they are electronic, digital or multimedia. What does matter is that they come completely into the realm of artistic expression.
I find it especially fascinating that these new adventures touch and sometimes blend all artistic disciplines. This closeness of digital imagery and digital sound brings about new forms and gives rise to new aesthetics. Once again, artists are in the vanguard of experimentation and innovation. Admittedly, experimentation and research are closely linked to all artistic practices, but the link seems to be even stronger when it comes down to technological creations. The mission of my ministry is to promote and support the emergence of these new territories of imagination. I will see to it that the creators be better understood, better received and better supported in their projects.
ISEA2000 is one of the opportunities offered to professionals and the public to meet many international and French actors, to see their productions and to think with them. I hope it will help shine more light on a particularly innovative process whose existence and tremendous ardour we still know too little of.
- Catherine Tasca is Minister of Culture and Communication, France