Keywords: Touch, Haptic Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, Exhibition, Media Arts
Abstract Exhibition spaces are spaces to provoke visitors with new experiences and are a potential space for exploration and conduct human subject research. This paper explores the data collected about how a robot was touched at an exhibition. The robot experiences its world through pressure sensors, responds to touch through haptic feedback and sound, and records the sensors’ data for analysis. In this exhibition, the pressure sensor readings were used to control a haptic purring sensation and a sonic “scream.” Visitors’ interactions with the robot and each other emphasized the difference in emotional expression haptically and sonically and the conflict it can create between a participant and an observer when they do not align. The exhibition space gives visitors the opportunity to interact with a robot in a non-laboratory setting, and for researchers to collect data from their interactions. Based on the collected data, a taxonomy of gestures is proposed for a tactile interactive robot.
- Hannen Wolfe, Colby College, Waterville, Maine, USA
- Anton Dimitrov, Microsoft, Redmond, Washington, USA
- JoAnn Kuchera-Morin, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA