[ISEA2024] Paper: Shuxin Wang, Simai Huang, Zerong Guo, Yifei Huang & LC Ray — What If Digital Information Dies? – An Interactive Experience for Digital Death


Digital Death, Digital Heritage, Web Interaction Design, Data, Digital Funeral, Anthropology, Cyberthanathology

In this age of virtualized interactions, the concept of mourning is becoming a digital heritage independent of the physical demise of individuals. How can we redefine the states in which life persists and mourn for it in this digital era? This project explores how digital death and mourning can be experienced in a physical interaction. We designed and implemented a multimedia installation that engages the audience in a ceremony taking them into a virtual obituary space. We used the termination of data to simulate death, allowing visitors to create their own last words and photos and interact with the last words and photos provided by previous visitors. An Atom and Vue.js-based website allows visitors to create their own custom tombstones using this information, while a projector shows a sense of the digital cemetery by showing a generative AI-created video. We also conducted a preliminary qualitative study on audience participation in digital mourning. This work highlights a future where end-of-life has a digital manifestation.

  • Shuxin Wang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR
  • Simai Huang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR
  • Zerong Guo, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR
  • Yifei Huang, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR
  • L.C. Ray, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR