[ISEA2024] Paper: Gail Priest — In_Listening_In: An Exploration of Ambisonic Audiography as an Alternative Approach within Sound Studies


Audiography, creative sound theory, practice-based theory, ambisonics, 360VR, phenomenology, tomography, subjectivity, podcasts, audio paper, sound studies

This paper offers the ambisonic audiographic form as a viable alternative approach to theorizing within sound studies. The approach is exemplified in the essay-artwork In_Listening_In that allows the listener to be fully immersed in semiotic and sensorial sound. Traditional modes of theorizing emphasize critical distance and objectivity. However, considering sound and listening phenomenologically, sound/object and listening/subject are interdependent, each bringing the other to meaning in a correlation I call sonaurality. The visual paradigm of observational separation is thus ill-equipped to theorize sonaurality. I propose that the writer can consider the experience of sounding from within, acknowledging context, sitedness and partiality as per Haraway (1988). I call this a tomographic approach, borrowing the term from the medical procedure that explores within a body via multiple X-ray slices. In_Listening_In enacts the tomographic authorial position in its textual material and style additionally repositioning the reader as listener through what Smith calls “critical audiography” (2019). The audiographic form is extended via the ambisonic audio potentials of 360VR technology, fully immersing the listener and sensorially reinforcing the arguments. While the essay-artwork can stand on its own academically, this paper argues for the ambisonic audiographic form as both a methodology and format that is a valuable approach within sound studies.

  • Dr Gail Priest is artist, writer and curator working across installation, performance and publication. She was awarded a PhD from the University of Technology Sydney in 2023 where she is also an occasional lecturer. She is currently on the editorial board of Sound Stage Screen (University of Milan) and has contributed a chapter on Mediated Sound to the upcoming Encyclopedia of Media Art Vol 2: Artists and Practice (Bloomsbury 2025). https://www.gailpriest.net