Keywords: Electronic Art, Emotions, Pre-Hispanic Mexico, Indigenous Cosmogony, Environment
We delve into the social circumstances that have influenced contemporary electronic art, the rejection of foreign stereo-types, and how the involvement of culture has gained im-portance. Mexican electronic artists have drawn upon pre-Co-lumbian Mexican cultures as a means to communicate envi-ronmental and social concerns. These cultures held a pro-found respect for the natural environment, prompting reflec-tion on art and its vast potential to generate insights into press-ing social issues.
- Cynthia Villagomez is a professor and researcher at Guanajuato University, she is the author of nine books, several book chapters, and articles about Electronic Art, Design, and Creation. Her Ph.D. thesis on Mexican Digital Art was awarded by Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain. She has been a member of the Mex-ican National Research System of CONAHCYT since 2017. She is currently pursuing a second doctorate in aesthetic theories.