ecologies of place, urban play, First Peoples, placemaking, augmented reality, posthumanism, pervasive games, Indigenous futures, creative practice research
When play scholars attempt to define play a multiplicity of definitions emerge dependent on context, situation, and relations with a world. It is a particular way of being that is posthuman, post-cognitive, post-anthropocentric. First Peoples are the foremost experts in connecting knowledge with place, processes of experiential learning, languages of relational world building. Many of these methods are expected outcomes of ‘innovation’ arising from Extended Realities (XR) including location-based games, augmented reality, and electronic art. By entangling experimental game design, cultural knowledge/s, and posthuman philosophies this paper brings together reflections on creative practice in shaping a blending the expert knowledge of First Peoples with experimental art exploring play, place, language, and other ways of being. By decentering and entangling the subject, everywhen is already posthuman, in that it is post-anthropocentric, although it has also always been here. Instead, new methodologies and cartographic tools are needed to explore posthuman ways of being and knowing. Play is integral to First Peoples epistemologies in that knowledge emerges through action and interaction with people and place rather than learning being a strictly cognitive activity. These methods appear in experimental game design and electronic art, in the posthuman subject, but also in First Peoples epistemologies.
- Troy Innocent, Senior Lecturer, School of Design, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia https://academics.rmit.edu.au/troy-innocent