[ISEA2024] Paper: Carlo Gioia — Art, Technology and Marginal Communities. “Il giorno in cui tornammo ai campi” as a case study


New Media Art, Interactive Storytelling, Resilience, Placebased storytelling, Collaborative Approaches, Participatory Art, Rurality, Inland Areas, DIWO, Emerging Environments, Self-funding, Self-determination

This paper presents Il giorno in cui tornammo ai campi (The day we returned to the fields), a research-creation project carried out, self-produced and self-financed between September and December 2022 in the rural community of Latronico in the Basilicata region, Italy. The aim of the project is to raise awareness of the phenomenon of industrial abandonment that affects the landscape of this geographic area, using the analytical and narrative grammar of new media. In the context of a spontaneous project, this research explores the following questions: how can we examine the issues associated with these territories and re-code them through the creative use of new technologies to envision possible futures? What operational methods are available for the independent and decentralized production of technological art in a marginalized territory? What impact does this bring to the communities residing in these territories? Positioned within the framework of new media practices as one of the rare examples of planning in a rural Italian area, Il giorno in cui tornammo ai campi endeavors to chart a potential path for grassroots inclusivity of artistic practices related to new media in the ongoing processes of transformation in marginal Italy.

  • Carlo Gioia is an engineer, new media artist and independent researcher with a special affinity for the phygital dimension. His areas of interest encompass interaction design, physical computing, and computer graphics, all intertwined by an open and participatory approach oriented towards do-ityourself- and-with-others practices. He conducts a multidisciplinary academic and artistic exploration that spans technologies and territories — particularly those rural and mountainous — delving into the art of new media as a pro-social tool to theorize and implement new sustainable ways of contemplating places, cultures, communities, and memories.