Workshop Statement
The Care Map – Acts of Care project aims to develop a cartographic tool bringing together actors in design, philosophy and care. It is part of the “What cannot be stolen” charter (Cynthia Fleury, Antoine Fenoglio, Collection Tracts, Gallimard, 2022) which is based on 10 points, and one of the points concerns our ability to map the solutions that link design and care, understood in a broader sense: care for individuals, societies, natural environments.
The objective is to map and reveal the feelings of actors in the field of care through a co-design method. A sensitive dimension of the visualization is sought, by the graphic processing and the chosen indexing. This tool is intended to be deployed in several contexts and invites different audiences to share sensitive fragments of their care pathways. Questions are underlying this work: How could the mapping tool contribute to finding new modalities of care? Could the dimensions of this work be a form of healing ?
Care, in the broadest sense (individuals, societies, natural environments), is a major challenge of the Anthropocene and engages the responsibility of the creator. This collective makes it possible to create a meeting and sharing space between designers and researchers committed to the philosophy of care.
Their main objective is to improve the experience of people in vulnerable situations through co-design projects positioned in the field of the sensitive (social, environmental and aesthetic interactions) whose design and development are guided by the connection arts and design in dialogue with the human and social sciences and health sciences.
Les Stétopotes is a collective on the initiative of students and former students of the National School of Decorative Arts (Paris), inhabited by the desire to link art, design and care. Les Stetopotes initially consisted of Audrey Brugnoli (designer, SACRe doctoral student, EnsadLab), Eva Hardy (designer, EnsadLab), Justine Garric (designer, graduate of EnsAD), Léa Tricaud (designer, EnsadLab) and Noémie Châtaignier (designer, doctoral student in ethics, Humanity and Health Chair). It currently consists of 12 members.
- Audrey Brugnoli (FR), designer, doctoral student SACRe Ph.D program, EnsadLab
- Pierre Jarlan (FR), child psychiatrist, doctoral student SACRe, Ecole normale supérieure (ENS)
- Noémie Chataigner (FR), designer, doctoral student in ethics, Chair of Philosophy at the Hospital
- Léa Tricaud (FR), designer, pré-doctoral student, EnsadLab
- Chloé Dutruc-Rosset (FR) Designer.