Full Paper. Theme Interactive – Networked – Human Computer Interaction Subtheme Symbiotic Imaginaries
Co-located interaction occurs when the interaction between the audience is integral to the interactive artwork. This paper proposes a relational model that focuses on describing the properties of each interacting element and the various communication at play, so as to understand co-located interactivity and conceive new forms of interaction.
- Dan Xu is a creative researcher, maker and PhD candidate at Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), Leiden University. Her current research explores co-located audience interaction in and through interactive art. She holds a MSc in Media Technology from Leiden University and BSc in Applied Physics from Beijing Institute of Technology.
- Maarten H. Lamers (NL) is a creative computer scientist and Assistant Professor at Leiden University (LIACS). Themes that reappear in his research and lecturing are artificial intelligence, human-robots interaction, hybrid bio-digital systems, and scientific playfulness.
- Edwin van der Heide (NL) is an artist and researcher in the field of sound, space and interaction, and a part-time lecturer and researcher at Leiden University (LIACS, ACPA). His work comprises installations, performances and environments. The audience is often located in the middle of the work and challenged to actively explore and interact with the artwork.