Institutional Presentation Statement
Keywords: Embodied interaction; Design justice; Critical Making; FAR; Research-creation; partnership; game jams
As feminist, black, and queer discourses have repeatedly emphasized, bodies matter, but have frustratingly been deprioritized in technology development and discourse. This institutional presentation will introduce a community and academic partnership that seeks to address this critical omission as well as outline activities to date. It will create networking opportunities for those interested and invested in equity-seeking research-creation in embodied interaction. The grassroots feminist methods deployed throughout this partnership to date have enabled a symbiotic relationship between partners as the project has necessarily shifted in response to the global pandemic. This presentation will reflect on key learnings garnered to date in this inter-sectoral context – across academic, community, and individual settings whether online or in person.
- Emma Westecott, Associate Professor, Game:Play Lab Co-Director, OCAD University, Ontario, Canada
- Cindy Poremba is a digital media researcher, gamemaker and curator. They are an Associate Professor (Digital Entertainment) at OCAD University, Ontario, Canada
- Kate Hartman, Associate Professor, Graduate Program Director, Faculty Of Liberal Arts And Sciences, OCAD University, Ontario, Canada
- Becks Levick is Program Director for DMG Toronto (, Canada
- Pamela Punzalan is Executive Director of DMG Toronto (, Canada
- Ellie Huang is a Master of Design student in Digital Futures at OCAD University, Ontario, Canada