Full Paper, Theme: Interspecies Sub theme: Symbiotic Imaginaries
More-than-human beings are largely de-animated in Western cultures and perceived as the backdrop for human activities. At the same time, with the modern modes of consumption and production, customers often do not know how specific products have been created and which more-than-human beings have been involved in manufacturing particular consumables. As a partial response to such alienation, this text presents the book, Yeasts as We Do Not Know Them, as a means to learn about human-yeast interactions and the ways these fungal microbes are used to manufacture different products and substances. The book, therefore, (re)imagines yeasts as omnipresent, diverse, and symbiotic. Conceiving symbiosis as a set of interspecies relations, including mutualistic, pathogenic, and commensal ones, the project, Yeasts as We Do Not Know Them, as this article argues, maps diverse interspecies interactions and, by doing so, helps to navigate through material systems, thus invoking trans-corporeal ethics.
- Olga Timurgalieva is a nomadic researcher who has graduated from the joint master program Media Arts Cultures (Danube University Krems, AT, Aalborg University, DK, Lodz University, PL). Additionally, she holds a master degree in Cultural Studies at the Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia).
https://www.scm.cityu.edu.hk/people/timurgalieva-olga https://scholars.cityu.edu.hk/en/persons/olga-timurgalieva(018fc157-510d-4d28-8b39-66868a5ae300).html - Eva Direito (Portugal), Graduated in Conservation and Restoration, with a strong interest in Modern and Contemporary Art, namely Media Art and Bio Art. At the same time, I develop work in the field of cinema, graphic design and illustration. I am currently attending the Master in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets at the Catholic University of Porto (PT). https://www.linkedin.com/in/eva-direito-7b8962221/?originalSubdomain=pt
- Patrícia Raquel Moreira, PhD, Portuguese Catholic University | UCP · Center for Research in Science and Technology of the Arts (CITAR) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Patricia-Moreira-11