Focus Programme
For this session, ELEKTRA proposes a series of short presentations highlighting the work of a selection of international Quebec artists present at the symposium. Covering a range of current
topics such as artificial intelligence, biology, participatory robotics, soft robotics, deep-sea infrastructures, questions of nature in an increasingly virtualized society and more, the afternoon will provide an overview of contemporary digital creation in Quebec. In addition, a selection of works by Quebec artists will be on view inside the Forum des images (May 16 to 21) as well as under the Canopée of the Forum des Halles (May 17 and 18). Presented in collaboration with Hexagram.
- Juliette Lusven (artist) https://www.juliettelusven.com
- Jean-Philippe Côté (artist) https://djip.co/ & Victor Drouin-Trempe (artist) http://v-ictor.ca/a-bout
- Yan Breuleux (artist) http://www.uqac.ca/portfolio/yanbreuleux
- Bill Vorn (artist) + Louis-Philippe Demers (artist) https://vimeo.com/lpdemers
- Emma Forgues (artist) https://emmaforgues.ca/index & Samuelle Bourgault (artist) https://sambourgault.com
- Louis-Philippe Rondeau (artist) http://patenteux.com/wp
- Baron Lanteigne (artist) https://baronlanteigne.com
- François-Joseph Lapointe (artist) https://www.fjlapointe.com
- Samuel Saint-Aubin (artist) https://www.samuelstaubin.com
- Matthew Biederman (artist) https://www.mbiederman.com
- Timothy Tomasson (artist) https://timothythomasson.com
- Alain Thibault (artist, curator) http://alainthibault.com
- André Racette (CALQ) https://www.calq.gouv.qc.ca/en/news-and-publications/news/andre-racette-directeur
- Laurent Rozencwajg (CALQ) https://www.calq.gouv.qc.ca/en/a-propos/nous-joindre/staff-and-contact-information
- Alain Thibault, curator (CA) is a composer, sound designer and electronic music artist. His works has been presented in several contexts, contemporary music and digital arts festivals, in Canada, Europe (Chatelet Theater and Radio- France in Paris, etc.) and Asia (Yamaguchi YCAM Japan, South-Korea, Taïwan, etc.). With media artist Yan Breuleux, he formed the duo PurForm. They are presently touring their new AV performance, abcd_light, in Europe and Asia. With American artist Matthew Biederman, he created the duo RAY_XXXX, whose PULSE performance was presented in Italy, France and Brazil. Thibault is presently artistic director of Elektra, an international digital arts festival, presented every year in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. http://alainthibault.com