[ISEA2023] Paper: Hugo Scurto & Axel Chemla-Romeu-Santos — Deeply Listening Through/Out the Deepscape


Full Paper. Theme Interactive – Networked – Human Computer Interaction Subtheme Symbiotic Imaginaries

The paper introduces the concept of deepscape—the planetary flows of media intensively computed by deep learning throughout infrastructures of AI. It describes the diffractive prototyping of a RAVE deep generative model over worldwide soundscapes. It relates three deep listening experiences raising awareness of non-human scales of deep learning.

  • Hugo Scurto (1993, Marseille, Fr) is a music artist, designer and researcher, working with machine learning as creative material. They completed a PhD at IRCAM and led transdisciplinary research-creations at Locus Sonus, w.lfg.ng, EnsadLab/ArTeC and Goldsmiths U. London. Recent venues include Ars Electronica, CTM, SIGGRAPH, NIME or ACM DIS.
  • Axel Chemla-Romeu-Santos (1993, Paris, Fr) is a researcher and composer. He is post-doctorate in the ACIDS-IRCAM group where he works on creative ML, neural audio synthesis, and research & creation. He also composes / performs at Théâtre de la Suspension, in the trio Daim™, and his project Kenoma.