Full Paper. Theme Immersion(s) Subtheme Symbiotic Imaginaries
Our research-creation project explores a practice of montage in room scale VR. We invited users to live an immersive version of the plane sequence in Alfred Hitchcock’s “North by Northwest”. We propose a montage that adapts in real time to the displacements of the body and gaze of the spectator, creating a new dialectic between narrative and body rhythms.
- Rémi Sagot-Duvauroux is a film editor and VR Designer. He is part of the SACRe doctoral program where he is working on his Ph.D: “The body-montage”. Based on the creation of artistic and experimental dispositifs, his research explores techniques and concepts of Montage as a narrative, discursive and poetic vector in immersive digital experiences.
- Nils Quaetaert, French student from the Ecole polytechnique, Paris. https://jorfsearch.steinertriples.ch/name/Nils%20Quaetaert
- François Garnier, professor at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs | ENSAD · Ensadlab, Paris, France https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Francois-Garnier
- Rémi Ronfard is a research director at Inria, and the scientific leader of the Anima team, France. https://team.inria.fr/anima/remi-ronfard