Short Paper. Theme: (Re)invented Alliances Sub Theme: Symbiotic Imaginaries
The actual task for disruptive avant-garde art of today should be understood as the decolonization of our imaginaries that perceive nature through the logic of growth and the harmonious model in the direction of shaping post-growth imaginaries for symbiotic futures.
- Dr. Kristina Pranjić is Associate Professor at both Humanities and Arts at University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, working across fields of avant-garde art, semiotics and contemporary aesthetics. She teaches Theory and History of Art and Media. She is a vice-president of the Expert Committee for Intermedia art at the Slovenian Ministry of Culture.
- Magdalena Germek (Ljubljana, Slovenia) is Creative Editor at Založba /*cf. – Institute for Publishing and Research Activities https://www.linkedin.com/in/magdalena-germek-21a246226/?originalSubdomain=si
- Dr. Peter Purg is Associate Professor and New Media lead at School of Arts, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia, as well as dean of the School of Humanities. Next to scientific inquiries in interdisciplinary collaboration, crossover innovation and media art, his artistic interests range from narrative performances to intermedia installations in public-space. http://www.ljudmila.org/chrt/peterpurg-en.html