Focus Programme
From the first stages of creation to the distribution of the artwork, how can the public authorities intervene in support of creators, producers, broadcasters, in order to strengthen the digital creation. In the particular case of Immersive Creation, what are the existing systems – particularly at the CNC – what roles do they play for creators.
CNC is the National Center Animated Image, a French public administrative establishment placed under the supervision of the minister in charge of culture. www.cnc.fr
- Olivier Fontenay (FR/AU), moderator, is a Freelance Digital Colourist https://www.linkedin.com/in/olivier-fontenay-b5604610/?originalSubdomain=au
- Sarah Arnaud, a Postdoctoral Associate at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy at Western University, Canada https://saraharnaud.com
- Chloé Jarry runs the Lucid Realities studio, which multiplies virtual reality and augmented reality projects, particularly for museums. https://www.cnc.fr/creation-numerique/actualites/chloe-jarry—avec-la-realite-virtuelle-tout-est-encore-a-faire-tout-est-possible_1125053
- Stéfane Perraud (FR, 1975) is an artist who lives and works in Paris. His field of research, linked to the energy of matter and light, regularly pushes him to collaborate with writers and scientists. His favorite tools and formats are hybridizations that he draws and deconstructs from new media, science and cutting-edge techniques. http://www.stefane-perraud.fr