Artists Statement
Theme: Interactive – Networked – Human Computer Interaction Sub theme: Symbiotic Imaginaries
Keywords: Theatre, interdisciplinary art, creative technology, surveillance, utopia, censorship, emerging technologies, brain computer interface, global brain, human-machine symbiosis.
“The Censorship of Dreams” is a multidisciplinary theater piece investigating the complex and ever-evolving relationship between our bodies, technology, language, and surveillance—in both content and form. This piece explores how technology can be used for oppression or expansion, and the struggle to express truth after language has been rendered meaningless. We are exploring theatrical representation of Brain-Computer-Interface systems and how to not just inform, but implicate and involve the audience in a new mode of society where the human mind is directly linked to technology. We believe that by bringing together artistic concepts at the forefront of technological innovation and brain science with the work of creative technologists and the ancient forms of theater that are rooted in the human body and imagination, we can offer a unique and provocative experience of symbiosis between humans and technology.
- Arthur Makaryan is an NYC, USA, based theatre and opera director with training from Columbia University, Sorbonne and Juilliard. He is the founding artistic director and executive producer of ArtéMakar Productions. Arthur’s current work explores the interplay between art and technology. His most recent credits as a director include “Simulacrum” a multimedia experience at 3LD Art and Technology Center, the pilot of “Oedipus in the District” contemporary opera at the Armenian National Opera, “Hamlet Machine” that toured in Armenia, Lithuania, Moldova, France, Russia and USA (off-Broadway) and “Black Garden” that premiered in Paris at Théâtre de l’Opprimé and at The Tank NYC. Additionally, he has assisted directors such as Ivo van Hove at Toneelgroep Amsterdam; Stephen Wadsworth at Metropolitan Opera; and Darren Katz, the resident director for The Lion King on Broadway.
- Nora Sørena Casey, USA, Playwright