Full Paper. Theme Interactive – Networked – Human Computer Interaction Subtheme Symbiotic Organizations
ReSilence is a project that is part of the S+T+ARTS initiative of the European Commission to foster alliances between science, technology, and the arts, centred on human needs and values. More specifically, ReSilence aims to re position the role of silence and that of sound by building technologies in the context of an innovative methodology, in order to shape in a novel way urban environments and soundscapes.
Makrina Viola Kosti, Sotiris Diplaris, Antonio Camurri, Beatrice de Gelder, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann, Panagiota Koulali, Kalliopi Valsamidou, Kai Bronner, Leo Wanner, Froso Gaki, Stefanos Vrochidis & Ioannis Kompatsiaris
- Georgakopoulou Nefeli is an architect, designer and a digital artist. She is currently conducting her PhD at Paris 8 University (INREV) and is also a research assistant in the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) of Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH). Her academic research focuses on the merge of science, technology and arts. Her work is based on concepts such as the use of materials as interfaces, mixed reality, robotic art, digital aesthetics and the use of AI in an artistic context.
- Maurice Benayoun (DZ/FR/HK) https://benayoun.com/moben