Focus Programme
Digital is far from being bodiless. If the digital was a country, it would have two to three times the footprint of France. How can we reduce our digital impact in a world increasingly invaded by IT? What are the individual and collective measures to be put in place? Solutions exist, already tested by the civil society, which this talk proposes to share with you.
- Juliette Duquesne (FR) is an author, lecturer and independent journalist specialising in ecological and economic issues. She has created a collection of books with Pierre Rabhi (Presses du Châtelet): Carnets d’alerte and a media of the same name: www.carnetsdalerte.fr. Six books have already been published: Pour en finir avec la faim dans le monde (To put an end to world hunger); les semences, un patrimoine vital en voie de disparition (Seeds, a vital heritage in danger of disappearing); les excès de la finance ou l’art de la prédation légalisée (The excesses of finance or the art of legalized predation); l’eau que nous sommes (The water that we are); vivre mieux sans croissance (Living better without growth); L’humain au risque de l’intelligence artificielle (Human beings at the risk of artificial intelligence). Each survey lasts more than a year: more than 60 people are interviewed, each figure sourced… https://julietteduquesne.fr www.carnetsdalerte.fr