Full Paper. Theme Immersion(s) Sub theme Symbiotic Imaginaries
We present the storytelling of the Enigma project and explain how producing a matrix of 3D environments, which can be deployed on a very wide variety of media, supports the proposal of the Agnostic Media Environment (AME) concept.
- Yan Breuleux, M.A.Sc, D.Mus (CA) is an associate professor at École NAD-UQAC UQAC (École des arts numériques, de l’animation et du design), co-researcher within the Hexagram network, the Mimesis laboratory and a practitioner in the field of visual music for immersive devices. He designs A/V performances in the form of sensory experiences
- Alain Thibault (CA) is an artist, director of ELEKTRA and the International Digital Art Biennale https://alainthibault.com/about.html
- Rémi Lapierre (CA) is a creative coder http://www.uqac.ca/mimesis/?page_id=694