Full Paper. Theme: Bioart – Biodesign Subtheme: Symbiotic Imaginaries
The author uses symbiosis as metaphor and tool to create food-related projects that critically examine the anthropogenically induced impact of global warming on food-chains. She argues that ‘art-for-food’ projects promote an alternative worldview informed by the utopian premise that art can facilitate reflexivity and influence behavior to prevent future massive starvation by safeguarding the future of food.
- Pat Badani (USA) uses food to create artistic arguments that blend aesthetics and criticism, charting connections between the fields of art, science, and technology. Projects are exhibited broadly in North and South America, Europe, and Asia, and discussed in international symposia in over 15 countries. They are distinguished with critical essays published in three languages in anthologies and journals, and with over 20 research-creation awards.